Party's Over

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Aunt Alice had not been kidding around about that ice cream bar. Before everybody arrived, I slowly walked past it with Mollie in my arms, checking everything out. Unless they made steak flavor, I wasn't really that interested in having any, but it was still something to see. "Wow, Bavarian Raspberry Crunch, Toasted Almond Fudge, sounds kinda fancy. Are you sure the kids will like it?" I asked Aunt Alice.

"Don't be silly, they won't care what it's called." She spaced out for a second, and I could tell she was having a vision. "Ew, don't let Swan try the coffee one. If you do, she'll get into it when nobody's looking. After she pigs out, it will all come back up. It won't be a pretty sight."

"Yikes, thanks for the heads up."

Jake was on the other side of the bar, checking out the toppings with Xandra in his arms, and Swan at his heels. There was chocolate covered coffee beans, nuts, coconut flakes, at least a dozen kinds of candy. Aunt Alice had ground up several kinds of candy bars into fine powders, and there was, of course, lots of sauces and fruits. Jake was helping himself to a few samples.

"I try?" Swan asked.

"Sure. Wanna try a gummy worm?" he asked her.

"Uh huh."

"She's never had gummy bears or anything, has she?" Jake asked me as he fished out a brightly colored gummy worm. Before I could answer, my mom did.

"She has, she likes them," she said, not looking up from the coloring page she was working on with Anthony at a picnic table. She gave my kids too much candy, at least she managed to tire them out after.

Swan took the worm from Jake, laughed loudly at it, then bit it in half. "Look! I bite him!" she said standing on her toes waving the second half of the worm at Jacob.

"You sure did." Jake picked out another worm, and put it in his mouth, leaving most hanging out. As he held the worm in his teeth he leaned across the bar. "C'mere," he said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Like Lady and the Tramp!" he said around the worm.

I laughed and told him he was weird, but I brought my face to his and captured the other end of the gummy worm in my mouth. We each bit into it until our lips met in the middle. He held my face in his free hand as we shared that brief kiss, then he pulled away, smiling and chewing.

Paul and Rachel arrived loudly then, as they always did. Their own set of twins had just passed the one year mark. They were not walking yet, but they sure could crawl fast. Rebecca's family came in behind them with all smiles, I loved the contrast in their families!

"Hi, cousins!" Caroline shouted waving. Anthony abandoned his coloring page and ran to greet her and Forrest. Those two got along very well even though he got along with Forrest the most. Caroline and Swan had a love-hate relationship though. They were either best friends or screaming at each other. They were both so strong-willed. For now, Swan was happy to stay close to Jacob.

People slowly started to arrive. When Billy and Grandpa Charlie got there, my mom shook her finger at him. "I told you to bring your swim trunks Dad, you haven't gone swimming with us yet!"

He waved his hand at her dismissively but smiled. "Nobody needs to see my beer gut, Bells." He looked a little uncomfortable at first. I knew my family was strange to him, but I also knew he loved us and that was the important thing.

When the Denalis came I found I'd been right, they loved our new car, Carmen especially. And everyone pretty much fell in love with my girls right on the spot. Who could blame them?

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now