Making Arrangements

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I sat gathered around the dining room table again, with my family. The kids were finishing their lunches which had been retrieved from the kitchen. They were paying more attention to what was going on around them then their food now. They knew this was not a normal day. Jake and I were not eating at all, that was rare for him. I had no idea what to say, but once we had all taken our place at the table, Grandpa started.

"I believe you all know what this means. It's once again time for us to relocate. It was only a matter of time, I can only tell my colleagues so many tall tales about botox and good genes."

I started to wonder if the kids should be present for this.

Daddy said, "Ness, this is a part of their lives now."

"Your father is right, Nessie. Since all signs point to them being immortal, they need to become used to this," Grandpa said.

I nodded, and looked to Grandpa to continue. "Your family does not have to come with the rest of us, but I strongly discourage staying in Forks. I would not even consider that an option. We certainly do not expect you to be infallible," he said looking at Aunt Alice. "but Alice did not see this visit, and there's no telling if she'd be able to see if Renee ever does this again. If she'd seen you, there'd be no denying your parentage. Charlie knew it the moment he saw you, even when you were an infant. If you all would prefer a location with a little more sunshine, you certainly can relocate wherever you choose." He smiled gently at us, and our children. "Of course I know I speak for everyone when I say we are hopeful you will come with us."

I put my hand over Jacob's as it rested on the table, and let him know what I was thinking. If we couldn't stay here, I didn't want to be without my family. If I had to move to a strange place, I wanted to be with them. But what about the pack?

"That's my problem, not yours. You let me deal with that," Jacob said. I squeezed his hand. He looked at Mom, who was obviously on pins and needles. I could never do that to her, I needed her in my life. I needed all of them, and so did my children. I didn't think I'd survive raising four (or more) kids without help from immortals!

My dad laughed. "She enjoys the free childcare far too much to be away from us."

Jacob knew what I wanted to do. "We're coming with you," he said, looking at me.

"Thank God!" my mom cried.

"You can't get rid of me that easy, Bells," Jake teased. "Do you guys wanna stay with Grandma?"

"Grama!" Xandra yelled happily.

"I'll stay with you," Anthony promised her.

Xandra held out a piece of ham to Mom from across the table. "Have it?"

"Aw, thank you sweetie, but Grandma doesn't eat like that. I want you to have it." Mom gave her a sweet smile, which Xandra returned.

"It's settled then," Grandpa said. "Everyone will move together."

"We are moving?" Anthony asked.

"Yes, and everyone is coming. It will be a new adventure for us!" Nanna told him.

"I need to tell Pizza!" he said sliding out of his chair.

"Honey wait," I said. "Pizza will have to stay here." His sweet little face fell, and I pulled him into my lap. "I'm sorry."

"What about Aunt Rachel?" he asked. Nanna had said everyone was going, her whole family was, but not mine. Not his.

"I'm sorry," I said again. "But Aunt Rachel, and Uncle Paul, and your cousins will have to stay here."

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now