Bonfires and Birthdays

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A/N: Hey guys, I know it has been a very long time but I’m back and I decided to redo some of the parts I feel like I messed up on the most. I actually got locked out of my account so I had to make a brand new one. I am incredibly sorry for the long wait but in the meantime, sit here and enjoy the ride with me!

I was looking up at Jacob as he carefully arranged driftwood for our bonfire.

"Do you think I'll ever be as tall as you?" I asked, he smiled down at me.

"Probably not. It's a wolf thing Ness." I frowned at my smallness.

I knew I was big for my age. I was a little taller then Claire even though she was six and I was three.

"I hate not being able to reach anything," I complained.

"What do you need to reach?" he teased.

"My stuff!"

Jacob smiled and lifted me up to his shoulders.

"There ya go," he said.

He reached up and handed me a small piece of wood. "Careful now, don't get a splinter. Put this one right on top, then we'll light it."

I gently placed the last piece of wood on the big tee pee. Jake took me from his shoulders then brought me to his chest for a hug.

"There, now it’s perfect just like you" he told me. I rolled my eyes.

"You are so goofy. Will you come to the big house tonight after the fire?"

My parents and I were staying in the big house while a second story was added to our cottage. We just needed a little more room. I watched Nanna Esme design it, she loved to draw all the plans for our music room and Daddy's study. I couldn't wait to have the piano in our cottage so Daddy and I could play it all the time.

"If it’s okay with Mom and Dad I'm there."

I looked hopefully toward the spot where my parents were sitting in the sand holding hands. Daddy was looking at Momma and shrugging.

"Fine with me," he said to her.

"Sure Ness," Mom said. Jacob hugged me tighter and spun me around.

Sam and Quil were lighting the fire now.

"Ready to watch some pretty colors Nessie?" I nodded and we went to join my parents in the sand, where I easily settled into his warm lap.

*********************Two Years Later *********************

"Jacob Jacob Jacob!"

I ran to him as he held his arms open. He caught me perfectly as always. Jacob scooped me up in his arms and squeezed me tight.

"Don't mess up her hair now!" Aunt Alice scolded him as she sped through the room but she was going so fast carrying my present she was gone almost before the words were out of her mouth.

"Happy birthday Ness, the big five!" he said setting me down.

I smiled up at him as he leaned to give me a peck on the forehead.

"Gimmie," was my response. "I know you have something for me." He laughed and shook his head.

"You know the rule, no presents until after cake!" My mom shouted from the other room.

"But we aren't even eating it!" I whined.

"You can, you are just stubborn, Ness." Mom said.

Jake snorted. Mom poked her head around the corner and pointed at Jake with her eyes narrowed, but she was smiling.

"Don't even!" She threatened him.

"Where could she have gotten that from?" Jacob asked her.

I heard Daddy laugh from upstairs. Momma raised her narrowed eyes to the ceiling, then stuck her tongue out at Jacob before disappearing again around the corner. I touched Jacobs face to ask where his brothers were.

"Oh, they'll be here any minute. There's going to be food."

As if on cue Paul burst through the front door of the cottage.

"Happy birthday Nessie!" Paul gave Jake a friendly slap on the back as he headed to our backyard.

I then noticed Rachel behind him.

"Hey sis," Jacob said.

"Hi Jake, Happy birthday Nessie!"

The rest of the wolves started to filter in with their birthday wishes, big boxes and their girls. Daddy came downstairs to help Mom carry huge plates of food out to the picnic tables. I grabbed Jacob's big hand and pulled him, following my parents into the back yard. You could tell right away, Aunt Alice had been there. It was obvious from the obscene amount of balloons. They all had the number five on them. I looked like I was 11 or 12 at this point so it made me feel kind of babyish.

The cake was pretty amazing. Aunt Alice and Nanna Esme had decorated it. Five tiers with thin and intricate pink piping. Too bad the boys were about to destroy it.

There was as much food as at my last party. Daddy and Momma both liked to cook. Daddy learned from cooking shows and Momma always cooked for grandpa Charlie when she was human. They made pasta salad, hamburgers, hotdogs, fried chicken and potato salad. Picnic foods. We could have a picnic any time of year, because none of us would get cold. Which reminded me...I touched my hand to my mother’s face to ask her where Grandpa Charlie was.

"He had to go into the station today but don't worry he wouldn't miss it. He'll be here later," she assured me. At least Jake’s brothers (and Leah) were eating quickly so we could move on to presents. Jacob held out his fork to offer me a bite from his third bowl of potato salad. I made a face and shook my head.

"No way. I hunted with my parents this morning when I got up."

"Anything good?"

"Mountain lions!" I grinned.

We went a little farther than usual for my birthday meal to find them. The carnivores tasted so much better.

Aunt Rose lit my candles and the whole family sang happy birthday to me. Momma and my Aunts had such pretty voices, but Daddy's was the best. Everybody (except my family of course) tore through the cake. Jacob convinced me to at least have a few bites, it wasn't too bad for human food. Finally it was time for presents! I got lots of cool stuff, the best was a sewing machine from Aunt Alice so we could make clothes together. Daddy got me a thick book written in Portuguese. I'd been studying it with him and was getting pretty good at it. He said he wanted to take me and Momma to an island where that's what they speak.

Jacob held out an oddly wrapped package and smiled. I took it from his big hand and tore it open. It was a wooden wolf on a black cord, how pretty!

"Can I put it on you?" he asked untying it. I nodded and held my hair up out of the way for him.

"Does this look familiar?"

"It's like Mom’s but bigger," I said twisting my head around to look at him. "Did you make this one too?"

"Of course, took me all summer," He said quietly but proudly.

I looked over at Momma, pointing at my necklace and beaming. She was standing, beaming back at me, in front of Daddy who had his arms wrapped around her waist. Daddy was smiling too. She shook her bracelet at me, with her little wolf Jacob made her before I was born and the big heart shaped diamond from Daddy.

"Thanks Jake," I said as I turned around to face him.

He smiled sweetly and kissed the top of my head. I heard several "Awww!"s around me. Emily had her clasped hands over her heart and looked like she'd seen something so cute she was about to burst. I blushed and buried my face in Jacob's shirt. Daddy let out a loud laugh and I peeked out to see Momma poke him in the ribs. I didn't see what the big deal was.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now