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The decision of when to tell my pack brothers about the new baby was made easy when Sam called me the morning after we found out, and told me they were planning an adults only fire on the beach for the next day. I called my Dad and told him, and my sisters too. It did not seem right to make her wait two days, and my Dad wouldn't want to come to the fire, it was too hard for him to get around there. But as he did every time I talked to him, he lightheartedly complained he didn't see the kids enough. And he was right. I told him that it's been a while since we'd seen Charlie too. So I suggested he give Charlie a call and tell him our good news, and I let him know my work schedule for the next week so we could work out a visit. He agreed and I told him I'd call him tomorrow and we'd get everything set up.

The day of the fire I had a half day at work, I was going in very early but of course, that meant I would be home very early. I still had some time after I was dressed for work, everyone was still asleep and I crawled back into bed. Ness had her back to the center of our bed, so I curved myself behind her and nibbled on her ear. She moaned and rolled over without opening her eyes. She reached for me, then opened her eyes and frowned when she discovered my jeans keeping me from her.

"Oh, that's right, you're leaving me today," she said pouting.

"Aw come on, don't be like that," I murmured against her neck.

"If you keep that up, I'm not going to let you leave," she said, even as she tilted her head and threw her leg over mine.

I gave her a little love bite where her neck met her shoulder and said, "I'll make it up to you tonight when we get home. If you want, we can leave the kids at your parents a little longer, and I'll make it up to you as many times as you want."

"Mmm," she sighed putting her head against my chest. 

I breathed her in and looked over her head at our alarm clock. I did have some time, but not much. I briefly thought about just taking care of her quickly before I left, but I would be going crazy until I got to come home and be with her. Spending even half of a day at work with a raging hard-on was not my idea of a good time. And tonight we'd have a kid-free house, and we could enjoy each other as long, and as loud, as we wanted. So once I was thinking with the right head, I decided against fooling around before work.

Ness must have decided differently because she rolled over so that she was straddling me. She leaned down and pressed herself against me. I took her face in my hands and whispered, "You are going to make me late." Her response was to sit back up and remove her shirt, which was the only thing she had slept in last night besides thin cotton panties.

I'm going to be late to work today.

"We gotta make it fast though," I said as she was undoing my belt. We wanted each other so badly that we were both ready to go. She moved her panties to the side and moaned and quietly as she could as she slid down on to me. She looked down at me as she rocked back and forth, her eyes dark and intense.

"Mommy?" came a little voice from the hallway.

"Oh shit!" I hissed. Nessie rolled off of me and I pulled our blanket over us. We were covered just in time for Anthony to swing open the door to our room.

"Mommy, can I have pancakes? My tummy say grrrr!" he said as he stood in the doorway. When he approached our bed we both nearly shouted.

"No!" He took a step back and looked a little hurt.

"I mean yes, it's okay, I'll make you some pancakes. Go in your room please and read a book, if you are a very good boy and stay there until I come to get you I'll even put blueberries in them, okay?"

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now