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A/N: Nessie's wedding dress : https:// www. morilee .com /product/bridal-wedding-dresses/morilee/marilyn-wedding-dress/

And of course, Nessie's second dress is Bella's wedding dress.


I had Nessie pinned up against the outside wall on the front porch of the big house and we were kissing each other passionately. The rain pounded loudly on the roof above us, it was an unseasonably warm night. We'd just finished our wedding rehearsal and I was being kicked out because the bride and groom can't spend the night before the wedding together. That's what Alice said anyway. Tomorrow was the big day that we would declare our love for each other in front of pretty much everybody we knew.

The rehearsal went well. Old Quil was there since he was going to marry us like he did my parents. My groomsmen were Quil and Embry of course and Seth. Nessie had Rachel, Rebecca, and Alice as her bridesmaids. Anthony was our ring bearer, Bella was going to carry him. Our rings were sewn to a little pillow. The thing thread would be easily broken when we exchanged our rings but it would keep them in place if Anthony dropped the pillow or something. Claire was our flower girl. She was almost twelve now and was beyond thrilled about getting to dress up for our wedding.

Alice barked orders at us, making sure we all stood in exactly the right place and did whatever it was we needed to do at exactly the right time. By the end of it, we had it down. We weren't reciting the Seven Steps until tomorrow though. We just mocked that part, I knew them by heart. I said them to myself in the shower, when I was driving, when I was fixing cars at work, all the time. We also picked out promises to say to each other. Little speeches I guess you'd call them, that we found mixed in with my dad's wedding stuff.

Friends of my dad's from the rez were providing our music. Deandra was playing the flute for the walk down the aisle (the stairs) and there were a few with drums for other parts. 

The dinner after rehearsal was fun, we grilled and those of us who weren't bothered by the cold ate outside. My brothers then attempted to give me what they claimed were "traditional prewedding ass kicking." There were for a rude awakening though because I kicked all of THEIR asses. They limped around whining as I pounded and screamed, "Don't mess with the Alpha!" to the sky. Then we got yelled at for getting dirty by pretty much every woman there. I don't see why it's not like we weren't going to bathe before tomorrow.

All day long, from the minute we got the big house, Nessie was either busy with Anthony or somebody was asking her stuff. Do you think this needs to be hemmed? Do these flowers look right next to each other? This and that isn't here yet, so if this and that doesn't arrive on time, what should we do? I hadn't had her to myself for a minute all day long. But now, her tongue was in my mouth and my hands were kneading her amazing ass through her thin dress. She pulled away to gasp for hair and my lips traveled along her haw.

"I'm gonna miss you tonight," she breathed. 

I'm gonna miss you too," I said, pressing my lips underneath her ear, "Both of you."

"Aw, Jake," she said. She grabbed my face and pressed her lips to mine again.

"Go home, Jacob!" Edward called.

I didn't bother to pull my lips away, I just thought my response.

You don't live here, Edward!

"Go home, Jacob!" Alice called. I sighed and pulled back, Nessie giggled.

"Did you think 'go away' at him? Because I did," she said.

I laughed too, "Pretty much. I guess I should go then, huh," I said, giving her ass a final squeeze.

"Yeah, probably," she said a little sadly. She stuck out her lower lip and I laughed at her pouty face.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now