Me Too

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"Damn, I work fast. You're pregnant!"


"I can smell it! Get up and take a test!" he said still trying to shove me awake. Since we had started trying to get pregnant again, we kept a stash of tests in the bathroom.

"But my scent doesn't change so early, before I have no other symptoms," I argued.

"I know that. But I'm telling you, you are," he insisted. "The scent is faint, but it's there."

I forced myself awake and pushed out of bed. I was getting a little excited, but how could he have known I was pregnant before I did? You'd think I would be getting better at this by now! Once I had done what the directions of the little stick required, I called Jake into the bathroom. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we stood in our PJs staring at the test sitting on the bathroom sink.

It didn't take long for us to get our answer. Jake let out a holler and picked me up, I was laughing when he started to kiss me.

I was pregnant.

"How do you always seem to figure it out before I do?" I asked when he set me down and our lips parted.

"Beats me, but I could smell it this time." He got down on his knees and pushed my shirt up. He pressed his cheek against my stomach and said, "Hello little Alexis, Daddy loves you!"

"No way in hell!" I shouted as I laughed and tried to shove him off by pushing his shoulders. "We are never naming a kid Alexis because of that car." He laughed too and held onto my legs, refusing to move an inch. "And you know that's not even where it happened. It hasn't even been 12 hours!" Jake kissed my stomach and carried me back into bed, I was still tired, but now too excited to sleep.

"I bet it was in the pool, maybe this one will like the water," Jake said.

"The weird thing is I feel fine. I can't believe you could tell already," I said.

"Hey, when you're good, you're good." He scooted down the bed to rested his head on my stomach and traced little circles around my belly button.

"Hear anything?" I asked.

"Nah, not yet," he replied. "I can't wait to tell Swan and Anthony. I wonder what they will think."

"Anthony will like having another little brother or sister I bet. Swan...well I don't know about her," I said. "We got lucky that Anthony wasn't jealous at all. I don't think we are going to get that lucky again, not with her."

He kissed my stomach and said, "Well, we'll deal with it when it happens."

Swan was in quite a sour mood when she woke up. When I got her out of her crib, she was not happy to see me as she was every other morning. She was giving me an accusatory glare.

"Oh sweetheart, don't be like that! You already know don't you." I knew that she did, I was amazed she understood, but she obviously did. How far ahead into the future had she seen? Just today, or further?

"How about you come to Mommy and Daddy's bed to nurse this morning, and we'll have a talk." Just like with Anthony, since I was pregnant again I'd have to start weaning her. I was not sure how it would go, but today was not the day to start, I had a few months. We'd keep up with our routine, for now, I'd keep on nursing when she woke up, and before bed.

"Well Daddy, it's happened," I said as I got back into bed.

"Oh jeez," he sighed. I sat Swan on my knees as I took off my shirt, she watched me unhappily. A little skin to skin contact would hopefully be soothing to her.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now