Making it Better

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A very boring day at work mercifully came to an end, when the shop manager sent half of us home because there were only two cars to work on. As I drove home, I hoped that Ness and I could take advantage or this day and get some quality time together. I hoped, but did not expect.

When my alarm went off this morning, I quickly rolled over and smacked the snooze button to shut it up. Usually if I got to it fast enough it wouldn't wake Anthony. It always woke up Nessie but she'd go right back to sleep as long as Anthony did. She groaned and stretched as she rolled onto her back. I watched her heavy breasts rise up when she stretched her arms over her head. I leaned down and kissed where her cleavage started.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I kissed my way up to her neck.

"Morning. Not in front of the baby," she muttered without opening her eyes. 

She pulled our blankets up to her neck and rolled over. It killed me to see her hiding herself from me like that. For the record, I wasn't buying all this, "not in front of the baby" stuff. I swear she was using him as a shield against me, almost literally sometimes. I knew that some new moms lost interest in sex. I never thought that would happen to Nessie though, to us. Our sex life had always been fantastic, at least I thought it was. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't me, but it still hurt. I was starting to feel lonely even when we were in the same room.

She seemed to be feeling great physically, she didn't need my help with anything anymore. And the baby took so many naps, we'd had plenty of opportunity and I cherished the time we spent together alone. But when things got hot, Ness shut it down. It wasn't like I was only trying to get laid, I wasn't being a pervert. I just needed so much to be close to her and she pushed me away every time I got too close. She didn't seem to have any idea how much I was aching for her, and if she did, she didn't care. It's not like I thought we'd be having mind blowing sex the night after she gave birth. I'm not dumb or selfish.

When I got home I went upstairs, Anthony was sleeping in his crib and Ness was in the shower. Sometimes when I was in the shower I'd think about my Nessie. They always ended up being very long showers. I would think about the way she used to moan into my mouth when I was inside of her. I wanted her amazing new body underneath me. She looked even better than before, the soft feminine curves of motherhood really suited her. I would wish that my hand was her warm, wet mouth, and imagine just ravaging her against that shower wall, making her scream my name. That she would look at me with desire in her eyes again, and need me as much as I needed her.

I sighed and walked over to Anthony's crib. I watched him sleep for a minute, even passed out he was amazing to me. My son. I threw my dirty work clothes in the hamper and pulled on a pair of sweats. I would have loved to join Ness in the shower, but I knew better than to try it. So I just sat on the bed and waited for her. Finally the shower turned off. It was quiet for an awful long time. I guessed she was taking her sweet time drying herself off. Finally she stepped out of our bathroom, stark naked and dripping wet. She was passing Anthony's crib on the way to her dresser when she noticed me sitting on the bed. She shrieked and put her hand over her heart, then quickly darted to the bathroom doorway and grabbed a towel off the counter.

"Jacob you scared me, get out!" she yelled holding the towel in front of herself. The baby started to cry and I just looked at her dumbfounded, get out? She groaned and skidded back into the bathroom. I heard the door lock.

"Get Anthony since it's your fault he's crying," she shouted through the door, "What are you doing home anyway?" 

"It was slow so I left," I said trying not to sound defensive about being in my own damn house.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now