Showers are No Fun Alone

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A/N: Horny preggo Nessie lemon alert!


"I think I'm going to write a song about barbecue sauce." I declared.

Jacob raised his eyebrows at me from across the dining room table. Mom laughed.

"I guess that's going to be your thing. Mine was eggs."

"Oh!" I slapped Jacob's arm excitedly, "I hadn't even thought of that, I haven't tried it on eggs yet!"

Jacob gagged. Daddy handed me another plate of sausage and a cup of blood.

I sniffed the air, "Mountain lion."

Daddy gave me his crooked smile, "You can thank your Uncle Jasper for that. I asked him to, but he's the one who went and got it for you."

I wasn't sure where he was so I shouted out, "Thanks, Uncle Jasper! Can you feel my gratitude?"

I heard a laugh from upstairs, "You're welcome."

It had been a week and a half since we found out we were having a baby. I was right, I loved being pregnant. Everybody brought me food, cups of donated blood, pillows, and books. Being pampered was just the icing on the cake though. I was having Jacob's child, we we're going to be a real family. I had grown another inch and 2/10ths and was doing so well, Grandpa said as long I kept keeping most of my food down, I could go back to the cottage at the end of the week. Morning sickness was an almost daily thing now, usually only once. I found out morning sickness is a twenty-four hour a day thing. 9 am, 4 pm, 2 am, anytime. But it didn't matter because I was on cloud nine. Jacob had taken a leave of absence from his job at La Push's Garage. I was hardly allowed to get up, so most of my time was spent on the couch with Jacob. Aunt Alice passed through the dining room and she shook her finger at Jacob and me.

"Decide!" she scolded.

Jacob and I looked at each other. We talked about it but hadn't made up our minds. Well, Jacob was fine with whatever I wanted but I still wanted his input.

"Bye, Daddy!"

He raised his eyebrows at me, "And where are you going?"

"I'm not going, you are. Could you get me The Merchant of Venice from the cottage?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"You can just ask for some privacy, Ness."

"I do want my book though." I replied giving him my best 'Daddy please' look.

Of course that wasn't the real reason.

"Fine, but don't go talking about me while I'm gone."

"Please get over yourself. You're not that interesting." Momma teased and she squealed when Daddy smacked her butt as left the room so fast that he was a blur.

"Gross." I muttered.

After a minute, I mouthed to Momma, Can he still hear us?

"Edward?" she whispered then shook her head, "No."

"Can you put your shield around us?" I whispered.

"There." she said, "We'll just need to keep our voices down, now what is it, Ness?"

"Will Daddy be sad if the baby is born before the wedding?"

"Well... the baby is so unexpected that he isn't mad at you for that. He just wants you to be safe and happy."

"Mom." That wasn't what I asked.

She hesitated, "He'd never tell you this himself, so both of you watch your thoughts around him. But yes I think he'd be hurt."

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now