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"Good morning!" I sang to Anthony as I picked him up from his crib, "Happy three weeks birthday!" 

He smiled at me.

I heard Jacob laugh from in our bathroom where he was getting ready for work.

"That's not a real birthday, Ness."

"Oh stop, sure it is. Just like an anniversary," I called to him, "Is somebody hungry? I know, silly question."

He was still waking up every couple of hours to eat. I sat in our bed and lifted my shirt up for breakfast time, pulling some blankets around my stomach. I wasn't keen on exposing that part of my body lately.

Jacob had been reminding me that eventually, we would want Anthony to sleep in his own room. We'd moved the crib into our room, that was our compromise, I wanted him in our bed for now. He made a good point that I couldn't argue with, it would be easier for everybody if we eased him into it. Stupid baby book. We put him in the crib for naps, some naps, for others I held him. This was his third full night in it, I was less than thrilled about it. Anthony didn't seem to mind, nap time or bedtime, it was all the same to him. We made sure he was turned so he could see us and he was fine.

Anthony was getting so much bigger. Part of me wanted him to stay tiny and sweet, but I also liked to see him doing new things. He smiled all the time now, grunted to get our attention, and a couple days ago he started pointing at things he wanted. He had mastered the art of turning his head, and could sit up with a little help from Mommy. He could prop himself up on his elbows now if he was on his tummy. He seemed to enjoy doing that, looking around at feet passing by and everything that was going on around him. It was beyond adorable, he looked like he was posing. Momma started calling him Mr. November. So of course there were many pictures of him doing that, in several different outfits, and in several different rooms.

I couldn't help but pout a little as Jacob dressed in his work clothes.

"Aw come on babe, don't make me feel even worse," he said zipping up his pants.

"You know I wish I could stay with you guys."

"I know, I'm sorry. We'll miss you though."

"I'll miss you guys, too."

He leaned down and kissed me, I moved my lips against his making the kiss a little longer then he intended it to be I'm sure. He sighed as he pulled away.

"Bye, I love you."

"Love you," I answered.

"Bye my big guy, I love you, enjoy your breakfast."

Once Anthony finished his meal, it was time for mine. I carried him downstairs and rooted through the fridge. What I really wanted was to hunt, I hadn't since Anthony was born, and I'd gone through the last of the donated blood the day after Anthony was born. So I settled for some bacon. Since I had Anthony, the banned foods that had made me sick didn't bother me anymore.

When I closed the fridge Anthony pointed at a picture of himself and Jacob. It was the classic Daddy sleeping with baby on his chest shot. "Yup, there's daddy! He'll be home soon. How about we look at some pictures after we've both got full bellies?"


"Sounds like a plan buddy." I cooked my bacon, just a little, and sat at the table with Anthony in my lap while I ate. 

After my breakfast, and a quick diaper change it was picture time. I laid him on his tummy on the living room floor and he propped himself up. His eyes followed me as I got the photo album from the basket on the floor next to the couch. Once he started movin' and a shakin' we'd have to put it up higher. I got on my tummy next to him and opened up the book that my mom had filled up for us. The pictures went in chronological order. Lots of me when I was pregnant, lots from the baby shower.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now