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A/N: I've decided that this story is going to go at a much quicker pace than the original Part I but don't worry, there will be tons of moments! I also know you guys really want The Final Chapters and we will get to that, but I really need to fix the story to the way I want it to be. Thanks for understanding! Also lemon alert in this chapter!


"Mommy sick?" Anthony asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes, baby. Now please, go get Daddy," I reminded him gently as I leaned my head on the toilet seat.

I felt disgusting and grimy but the thought of getting up made me feel dizzy. Jake had work today and was getting ready in the closet. I wish he could stay here so I could have an extra hand with Anthony, but someone called out this morning and Jake had to fill in.

Anthony refused to leave me though. He sat on his little butt right next to me and held my hand. I felt awful but having my son being so thoughtful and sweet made my heart skip beats.

"Okay, Ness. Your parents are on their way," Jake said as he wet a washcloth with cold water.

"Thank you, Jake," I said as he placed the wet cloth on my forehead.

"I love you so much, if you get worse then call me," he told me seriously before picking up Anthony, "Anthony, how about you read your books until Bella and Ed come?"

"Bella! Ed!" he cheered, but then he remembered, "Mommy, sick!"

"I'll be okay, my sweetie," I told him, "Go listen to Daddy for me."

"I listen," he nodded.

Jake gave him a little high five and they went into the bedroom while I hurled some more. I sniffed the air when my parents came in and Daddy was in the room with Anthony while Momma was getting a glass of blood ready for me. Jacob came back into our bathroom and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Ness," he tucked some hair behind my ear, "I'll try to come home early, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled weakly, "I love you, have a good day."

"I love you too."

Mom came in as Jake left and helped me sit up for my glass of blood. I felt like I weighed a ton and I probably did. It's been a few weeks now and I definitely was rounder pretty much everywhere. I held my mom's hand as I got up slowly and tried to steady myself.

I hate feeling like this, I wanna be there for Anthony but it's so hard when I feel like crap, I told her with my thoughts.

"Oh, sweetie. Don't worry about it. Your dad and I love spending time with him, you just work on getting better," she rubbed my back, "Now drink up and I'll help you to bed."

I did as I was told and it actually made me feel better than I thought it would. We slowly walked to my bed and she placed the cloth right back on my forehead and ran her fingers through my hair like she did when I was little. I instantly relaxed and listened to Anthony. Daddy had him downstairs and he was practicing walking with him. He recently had started doing that. He went from crawling, straight to walking in a matter of days. I just think he wanted to run around with Pizza and the other wolves so bad that he just figured it out.

"He's so cute," Mom giggled as she listened to them too, "I'm gonna head down there to fix him so breakfast. Do you need anything?"

I shook my head, "I'll just watch some TV and try to get a little bit of sleep."

"Okay," she gave my hand a squeeze before heading downstairs.

I listened to them for a bit longer. A.J. loved the little cheese quesadillas Mom made for him and Daddy played a few songs on the piano for him, even my favorite, my lullaby. I caught up on Westworld on our DVR before dozing off.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now