Too Early

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"It's too early. I don't want to go to work," I said as I nuzzled my face into Nessie's neck. We were in our bed, I was already dressed for the day but I'd gotten back in just to hold her for a minute and now I didn't want to get out. It wasn't for the usual reason, I was worried.

"I know, but its only a half day, besides Rachel and Daddy are here."

"I just hate leaving you."

"You can call every hour, okay?"

"I will." I heaved a sigh. "Okay I'm going, I love you." I kissed her lips, and her tummy, then rolled out of bed. It was killing me to leave her, as I left the house I wondered how I would make it through the day.


Once Jacob was out of the room I let the mask drop and my face twisted in pain. My stomach started hurting the day after my baby shower. It wasn't cramps or nausea, I was still able to eat. It wasn't any kind of pain I'd ever felt, it felt tight. Grandpa said the most reasonable explanation was that my body was having trouble expanding, that it had gone as far as it could without causing me pain. It started as I was preparing dinner, I was making tacos and I was pretty excited about it too. It started off slow, but then suddenly the pain doubled, then doubled again. And it stayed right at that level, it never let up, never got any worse. If it did get worse, there was no way I was ever getting out of bed. I didn't get out of it much now as it was. The really torturous part was that even though I was always in bed, I couldn't sleep. I hadn't slept for more then about two hours in a row since the pain started. But I would never let Jake know how bad it was, it would kill him. It would do no good for both of us to be miserable.

The hovering had started again, even if Jacob was here, there was always another family member or two around. It was usually one of my parents, or Grandpa. He had written down his hospital schedule on the memo board in the kitchen so we'd know where he was if I needed anything. Like before, I mostly wanted to be left alone. I only wanted to be around Jacob, but when he was gone, I had to admit it was a relief to stop pretending I was fine. Sometimes I wondered though, maybe they were right. Maybe it wasn't good for me to be left alone.

There was a light rapping on my bedroom door. I sniffed the air and thought, come in Daddy.

"Still the same?" He asked as he came through the doorway with a glass of blood. I nodded.

Join me for breakfast?

"Of course," Daddy said with a smile. "You know, without mentioning any names, certain family members are envious of you that you have a reason to cheat," he said gesturing to my glass of human blood as he sat up beside me in bed.

Haha, I thought as I gulped down my breakfast, you aren't going to tell me though are you, because they only thought it they didn't say it.

"You are correct."

Lame, Dad.

He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. I set my finished glass on my night table and curled into his side. Now that Jacob was gone, it was safe to let my tears out.

Daddy, it hurts so much.

"I know it does," he said in a soothing voice.

It's going to get worse I just know it is. If the baby is still growing, it's going to get so much worse. She has no more room, I thought.

Flutter flutter.

"Ow! Honey I know you are cramped. I hope you are just a little uncomfortable and not hurting. Mommy's sorry," I sobbed.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now