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In the three weeks since the fire Ness had been upset, but was getting better. She spent a lot of time with Bella, who had already (mostly) come to terms with the fact that while she would live forever, her human family and friends wouldn't. Bella reminded Ness how lucky she is that she could still spend time with them. She also talked to Carlisle a lot, he'd been through this a few times already. He advised her to cherish the time she had, and just focus on now. I would try and do the same. The excitement of the new baby was what was helping her the most, she kept insisting something was different this time, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

Plus, we were busy, we'd gotten Anthony a toddler bed. It was low, and it had bars so he wouldn't roll off, but there was an open space for him to climb out of. He hardly needed the features of a toddler bed, he hopped in and out of our bed on his own with no problem, and it was pretty high. But Nessie frowned and told me it would be strange for that tiny little boy to be in such a big adult bed. He was hardly tiny anymore though, he'd just had an amazing growth spurt. He'd gained a few months in a few weeks and sailed past looking like a one-year-old, to looking almost like a one and a half year old. Now Swan was quickly starting to look like she was one. Not quite, but very close.

We'd also moved Swan into her new room and she went back and forth about it. She loved it during the day, she'd play happily in there all by herself. There was a lot of pinks, it was very frilly and perfect for my little princess, but when we told her it was bedtime she'd run into the nursery. It was a struggle for several nights, but now that Swan was sleeping in her own room across the hall, Ness and I were able to spend time together worry-free, behind our locked door.

We figured she'd been pregnant for about a month, maybe more. She had a small bump now if she was wearing loose clothes you wouldn't be able to tell. We were both excited about the upcoming ultrasound. Carlise was going to give Swan and Anthony a quick look over too while he was here.

She was starting to get sick a little, but she was a trooper as always. She spent most of her time cooking and then eating. She'd started to refer to Anthony as "Mommy's dinner buddy" and he loved it. He was her breakfast, lunch, and snack buddy too. He would try whatever it was she was eating, and liked almost all of it. Even if Anthony wasn't hungry, he would still sit at the table and chat with her.

The day Carlisle was coming over to do the ultrasound, Ness, her dinner buddy, and I sat at the kitchen table as she was eating peppers like they were apples.

"Mommy, you like peppers?"

"Uh huh," she answered with her mouth full.

"The yellow and red and green?"

"They sure are colorful aren't they," Ness said. "I only really like them when I have a baby in my tummy though. He or she makes me eat some crazy things!"

He laughed. "You eat so crazy!"

This whole time Swan had been wandering under and around the table. She trailed her fingertips along all the chairs, every once in a while I would feel her brush my legs. I turned my head upside down to look under the table, she was standing there staring off into space with her hand wrapped around the leg of an empty chair. I wondered what she was thinking about, where she was in that head of hers.

"Hey, pretty birdie," I said. She looked over as if she was surprised to see me, then smiled. "What are you doing down here?" I asked. She giggled and then ran into the living room, when she went past the sliding glass door her earrings sparkled in the sun just like Bella's skin. The "atrocious CZs" as Edward called them.

"That baby likes peppers?" A.J. asked.

"Yeah, I think he must," Nessie answered craning her neck around the corner to see what Swan was up to, I could hear her talking to her stuffed wolf, Wolfy 2.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now