Join the Club

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A/N: More lemons!


"Why don't we try going to the casino today?" Jake suggested as we were lying on the bed, recovering from our morning activities.

He's woken me up this morning in a very, very nice way.

"We should at least go once, what will my family think if we come home and say we never even set foot in a casino while we were in Vegas," I joked.

We got dressed, eventually, and went to the second-floor casino in the late morning. In the elevator we made our plan, if we got $20 in the hole, we'd call it quits. Also if we won big, we'd quit while we were still ahead.

It was a flurry of activity in there. Flashing lights everywhere, bells and buzzers going off, people groaning over their losses, and celebrating their wins. Waitresses in short black skirts, white button-up tops, and black bow ties rushed by with trays in their hand. There were table games that I mostly didn't know how to play so I wasn't very interested in those. I was eyeing the slot machines.

"Let's try those," I said, pulling Jake behind me, "Aw, this one is so cute. I thought they'd all just have cherries and the number seven and stuff."

Jake watched as I played one that was called Kitty Glitter. If I got three diamond kitty collars, I'd win, but no such luck. Jake won $20 on the one called Wolf Run.

"I would've been so mad if I hadn't won anything on that one. I mean come on!" he whispered to me and I laughed.

Next, I got us $10 in the hole on the one called Mystical Mermaids.

"Ness, go pick another one," Jake suggested, "You're losing big time."

"I know but the mermaids are so pretty! I just wanna keep playing!"

"That's probably the point," he chuckled as we became $11 in the hole, "I bet I see one that you'll like better though."

"Okay, I'll bite. Where?"

He pointed to the one called DaVinci Diamonds.

"Ooh, that's a pretty one too!"

That one was fun, I got three of the smaller diamonds and we got out of the hole and got back into the positive, $32. But then Jake took care of that on Great Eagle and we were back down to $5. Things got worse on Ancient Dragon, $17 in the whole after that one.

"Dumbass, dragon," I muttered.

"Hey, look at that one, Fourth of July," Jake said looking at a slot machine across the room.

"Oh, we have to play that one!"

Certainly, a slot machine featuring the holiday Jake asked me to marry him on would be good luck for us.

Or maybe not.

We were twenty-five cents away from our $20 limit.

"Last time, right?"

"Last time," Jake agreed.

"Wait, give me a kiss for good luck."

Jake smiled and put his hand on my back, he pressed his lips to mine once, twice, three times.

"Three is a good number, right?" he asked.

"We'll have to see!"

We pulled the lever together. One gold burst of fireworks, two, then a blue one.

"Damn," I said, "Oh well."

Since we apparently aren't very good gamblers, we went to go have lunch in one of the more casual restaurants in the hotel. We spent the afternoon on the Las Vegas strip. We visited all the hotels and enjoyed the amazing views. I have to say though, the Luxor Hotel was my least favorite. Since it was shaped like a pyramid, the inside of it got smaller and smaller as it got closer to the top. It made my head spin a little. We did a whole lot of shopping while we were out too: we got stationary for Dad, nice antique pieces for Nanna, and just a little something for everybody. Of course, we had to spoil Anthony with a small bag of M&Ms from the M&Ms store and we got him cool little knickknacks he could play with.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now