Adventures in Babysitting

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I love Nessie's boobs. I'm sorry, but I can't help it. She's my wife so that's not that bad, is it? That must sound so vulgar, but they are spectacular. I'm a breast man, what can I say? I loved them before, but I heard her talking to Rose, and she's gone up a whole cup size. She looks like she's about six or seven months along now, by normal human pregnancies go.

It was ungodly hot out. Even with the A/C full blast, those of us who ran at 108 degrees or so were still hot. But we could have been standing in the middle of a wildfire for all I cared if I got to look at her in that triangle bikini top with her favorite cotton yoga pants.

I couldn't keep my hands off her. She was usually just as eager to be touched, as I was to touch her. They felt so good, so soft... heavy in my hands.

"Jacob!" Nessie banged her little hand on the kitchen table.


"I said, what about Ava?" she said with obvious frustration.

"What about her?"

"I'm trying to pick out names for our child Jacob, but if you'd rather stare at my boobs I'll figure it out myself!"



She stalked upstairs. Damn it. I knew I should probably leave her alone for a while. Going for a run with my brothers seemed like a good idea. I went upstairs and found her sitting up in bed with her laptop, a thin sheet covering her up to her neck.

"Hey, baby?" she didn't look up.

"I'm gonna go for a run. I'll have my phone if you need me."

I waited to see if she'd say anything.

"I won't be long. Let's talk about names when I get back."

Nothing. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, Mommy."

I didn't bother to wait for a response because I knew I wouldn't get one right now. I grabbed the woven pouch I kept my phone in while I ran off our dresser. I'd only been doing that since she'd been pregnant, it made us both feel better. In our downstairs hallway, I took off my cut off sweats and tied them, along with my pouch, around my leg.

I carefully peeked out the window, I wanted to do all I could to avoid another incident. A couple weeks ago Alice saw me decide to go for a run, and Nessie decide to do one of her new favorite things, read about anything baby related online. She was a few seconds too early and caught me phasing. I didn't even notice her until I heard the giggling. I gave her an annoyed growl before turning and running off into the woods. I was not pleased Alice had seen me naked. Ness reminded me with a grin that I had nothing to be ashamed off, but still, that family had no secrets. Certainly not when Alice was involved. I begged Ness to let me phase in the house but she said I'd scratch everything up, especially the door. I doubtfully suggested that we install a doggy door, not in the front door but in the back where nobody could see it. But that was a no go.

Coast looked clear so I stepped outside and phased on the porch. I let out a howl, the one that pretty much meant, phase if you wanna go for a run or hang out. No emergency. Leah was already phased. I felt Seth phase right away then Sam after him. After we greeted each other, I ran through my little spat with Ness in my head. I wasn't shocked when Leah laughed.

You better keep your eyes to yourself, she suggested.

Wow thanks, Leah, that's super helpful.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now