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"Belly dancers? At my wedding? You are out of your ever loving mind, Aunt Alice!" I said into my phone as I laid across Jacob's lap on my bed.

His body shook mine with his quiet laughter.

She had a tendency to get a little out of control with the wedding plans and I had to bring her back down to earth sometimes. Mom would always giving me that 'I told you so' look. And she had to. We'd been engaged for two weeks and I stayed busy the whole time. It was fun but it wore me out. We hadn't even set a date and Aunt Alice had already decided (with mine and Jacob's help) on a lot. Well, I thought it was a lot. We picked out three caterers we'd be using but not the menus yet. That had been interesting. Jacob loves all food, Alice like none of course, and I liked some. We chose four places from around the world where we'd get the flowers from. Alice tried to sell on the wonders of destination weddings. The beaches of Hawaii and Mexico, the romance of Paris and Italy, but we could save that for the honeymoon. I had decided to get married at my grandparents house, just like my parents did, much to their delight.

I really should've left my phone at home today.

"Okay, last thing I wanted to ask, I promise, is about how you want the wording on the invitations. How does this sound: Jacob William Black, son of William David Black and the late Sarah Amelia Black, and Renesmee Carlie Cullen, son of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Bella Swan Cullen request the honor of your presence... How is that doesn't a start?" her voice softened, "I thought Jake might want his mom mentioned."

I looked up at Jake who was now starting off to space. His fingers stopped weaving through my hair.

"What do you think, hun?"

His hearing was as good as mine so I knew he heard her. He nodded slowly. Aunt Alice couldn't see him nod of course, but she must've been watching for him to decide.

"Okay, I'll expand on that but that's where I'll start."

I was still watching Jacob, he was squeezing his eyes shut now. She must have been watching me too because before I could open my mouth to tell her I'd call her back later she said 'I'll see you at home.' and ended the call.

I reached up and put my hands around Jacob's neck. When I touched him, he opened his watery eyes and looked down at me. I pulled myself up and held his face to my shoulder.

"I just hate that she never got to see how amazing you are and how happy you make me. That you'll never know her. She was so wonderful... she would have just loved you." he said, his voice breaking.

"I'm sure I would've loved her too."

"I wish you'd gotten the chance to. I wish she could see us get married... I really miss her right now, Ness."

"I know you do. I'm sorry, sweetie." I whispered as I rubbed gentle circles on his back.

It hurt me to see him like this. Our wedding was another one of the big events in Jake's life his mother wouldn't be there for.

The next day at the Big House

Aunt Alice never slept, so she never stopped. Every morning she would burst into my room, dying to tell me about whatever she worked on during the night. She would practically throw fabric swatches, place cards, etc at me. The first time she did that, the morning after our engagement, she scared Jacob so bad he fell right out of bed. When he fell he took all the covers with him. My parents were home so we hadn't actually been doing anything but still we were slightly less than decent. I held my pillow over my body, surprised and embarrassed, and demanded that Aunt Alice get out of my damn room.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now