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Jake was in quite a mood until the cars came. He was happier than Anthony in a crayon factory, he was bouncing off the walls. I was hoping the cars would be delivered on a day he was off work, but no such luck. He couldn't have cared less though. He called me the day before Mothers Day on his lunch break.

"They're coming today! The cars!" he shouted with his mouth full.

"Okay, okay, be calm," I said laughing. "Do I need to sign anything?"

"Nope, don't you worry about a thing, wifey. I told them to come half an hour after I get home."

"You better be leaving on time then, that's cutting it a little close," I said.

"Trust me, whatever I'm working on at quitting time, can wait," he assured me. "So how was your morning?"

"Good, pretty much the usual. Swan has been very chatty today. As soon as I got her out of her crib this morning, she started talking about the cars. All day she's been saying, "cars? cars?"

"Aw, she's excited too." I could hear the smile in his voice.

He burst through the front door right on time.

"Hey everybody, it's new car day!" Anthony started jumping up and down, and even Swan, who hadn't shown any interest in the cars until today, looked pleased.

We sat on the front step and didn't have to wait long until the massive truck with our cars on the back came rumbling down the driveway. Mine was that beautiful navy blue, and Jake's was screaming red, with the interior that matched my eyes exactly. Jake leaped off the step and Anthony pointed and shouted, "New cars! New cars!" They both watched with identical masks of fascination and joy. It was a lot more interesting to me to watch them than the cars being unloaded. Anthony stood in the gravel with his knees bent so much his little bum was almost on the ground, his fists were balled up at his sides. I had to laugh when I saw Jake was doing almost the same thing, he just wasn't bending his knees as far. Anthony wasn't copying Jake, as he often did, because he wasn't even looking at him. Like his father, he couldn't keep his eyes of those shiny new cars.

Once they were unloaded, Jake wrote what was undoubtedly the biggest check he'd ever written in his life, and gave the driver a nice tip. "Oh man," he breathed, running his hand along the side of his car.

"Go ahead and get in, what are you waiting for?" I said. He opened the door, almost as if he was afraid to touch his perfect new car, and slid in leaving the door open. He actually moaned when he gripped the steering wheel.

"Happy?" I asked needlessly.

"Very!" he said.

"Daddy? Dis your car?" Anthony asked.

"Uh huh. This is Daddy's brand new car."

"It's red," Anthony commented.

"Very good, what color is Mommy's car?" Jake asked pointing at mine.

"Mommy's is purple," he responded without hesitation.

"Good job!" I told him.

"I touch it?" Anthony asked hopefully, his fingertips inches from the bright red paint.

"Go ahead," Jake told him. Anthony pressed his hand against the door and looked up at the car, his eyes wide. "It's pretty nice isn't it buddy?"

"Nice," Anthony agreed in a whisper.

"Come here, why don't you sit in it with me?" Anthony scrambled into Jake's lap, I immediately turned and went back into the house for the camera. I did it so quickly, and those two were so engrossed in the car they didn't even notice Swan and I were gone.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now