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I thought that since that this was my pregnancy that labor would go faster. I was wrong. Every pregnancy is indeed different, this bun wanted to bake a little longer. And while I was glad that he had a little more time to grow, the tightening was excruciating. When I woke up the next morning and Rachel told me that I only dilated a couple of centimeters, I wanted to cry and I more than likely did. 

Thank goodness this hospital bed was comfortable otherwise I would've demanded that I'd get moved back into my room. I didn't like that the bed wasn't big enough for me and Jake though. He slept on an air mattress last night and we slept with our hands intertwined. Nanna called me after breakfast so I could talk to Anthony. I was so happy to hear his voice, I temporarily forgot about the pain I was in.

"Baby here yet?" he asked.

"Not yet, sweetie," I told him, "The baby will be here soon though."

"Well tell the baby to hurry up!" he shrieked.

I laughed and it hurt my tummy a little, "I'll be sure to."

Nanna took the phone from him after Anthony said his I love yous to Jake and me. She fed Anthony blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning and the two were going to make macaroni art for the baby. When Rachel came in with her gloves, I ended the call.

"Okay, Ness, I'm going to break your water. Carlisle and I talked about it and this will probably help give your labor a jump start," Rachel explained.

"Oh, okay," I shifted as I grabbed onto Jake's hand.

Grandpa entered the room as well and checked my contractions on the monitor while he walked Rachel through the process. I knew when she did it though because I felt myself gush. I really thought I peed myself. Rachel quickly solved my problem and I felt fresh as a daisy after.

"You will gradually start to feel your contractions more," Grandpa said as he looked over the contractions.

They already felt pretty intense and having my water broken added a whole other layer to it. Jake pressed his lips to my knuckles and gave me a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him when he looked at me like that. No matter how much pain I'm in, he could always make me feel better.


As the morning turned into the afternoon and the afternoon went onto the evening, everything intensified to a point of no words. Of course, my body burned off the medicine too quickly for it to do any good for me. I felt totally zoned out in my pain. I refused to speak, just let people know what I was thinking. My contractions were getting closer and closer together I felt like I didn't have a break to recover from them.

I just wanted my baby out now. I wanted to get through the pushing and the crying and end up with my little angel nestled in my arms and Jake's arms around me. I'd still be in pain but all the love I'd feel when my arms had my baby to hold, it'd be all worth it. Then my Anthony could come home and our family would feel even more complete.

I couldn't keep in any food, everything would just come right back up. Mom tried fixing me a rare steak for lunch and I couldn't even bring myself to take a second bite. At least the wolves could enjoy it.

Every time Rachel would walk into the room to check my dilation I would groan. I was dilating a lot faster than I was before my water got broken but it was just so uncomfortable to be touched in any manner. But she couldn't get into the room quick enough when I felt the baby's head get lower.

"Oh... Oh! I have to push!" I shifted uncomfortably.

Grandpa and Rachel were here in one swift moment. Jake helped Grandpa put each leg in a stirrup as Rachel rolled the little silver tray on medical equipment. After that, everybody washed their hands quickly and got all gloved and masked up. Rachel played baby catcher once again.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now