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At six weeks old, Swan was growing like a weed. She was growing even faster now that she was eating some more solid foods. She usually ate when Anthony did, and I still nursed her in the morning and at night like I had with Anthony. She could chew up anything with those sharp little teeth. So far it seemed like her diet would be pretty close to mine. I didn't want to overwhelm her little belly with too many new things at once now that food was starting to peak her interests. But she'd liked every kind of meat we'd let her try, and almost nothing else. Swiss cheese was the exception. That, I ripped up for her, everything else took a trip through the food processor since it was all meat. Steak was a huge hit with her, as was hamburger. She didn't get too excited about the chicken at all and would always scrunch up her nose if she was offered any. I was still trying to teach her the difference between hungry, and thirsty. It was hard to explain though.

The other day, Jake and I decided to show her Wolfy Daddy and she had a fit. She wailed and cried so he changed back and she stayed in his arms for the rest of the evening. She probably was a little too young for that.

"A.J." was one of her new favorite words to say as was the rest of the names in our family.

She didn't scoot as Anthony had, she went right from rolling to walking. One day she'd just rolled over to where Jake was standing and pulled herself up. I called her over to where I was, just to see what she would do, and she walked over to me like it was no big deal. Being carried was still her preferred method of getting to point A to point B though, second was rolling around, so needless to say I did a lot of vacuuming and mopping.

She'd gotten to the point where she was only waking up hungry during the night once instead of every few hours. It was great to have that extra time, whether I used it for sleeping or other activities. We were really hoping we'd be able to get pregnant again quickly. Swan came so quickly after Anthony, and we were crossing our fingers that would happen again. We still agreed that we wanted to have a big family, and we knew we probably had a limited amount of time to do that. Trying for a baby was an exciting time for us. It was like going to a casino and rolling the dice. Every time you hope you'll get that lucky number that makes all the bells and whistles go off, and you become the big winner. But even the times you get snake eyes, it was still fun playing!

One morning after breakfast, Jake was sweet enough to take care of all the dishes, while Anthony was busy playing with Pizza through the sliding glass door. I sat at the table with Swan, I cuddled her and hummed to her. She was not as independent as Anthony, much of the time she seemed to prefer being held and loved on to playing with toys. And that was just fine by me. I was glad that she hadn't had any solid food yet today. Because when all she'd had was my milk, she still smelled the way she had right after she'd been born. I could hold her close to me, close my eyes and breathe her in, pretending she was still my teeny little baby. Someday she'd be up and running around, but not today.

"Mommy?" she said pulling me out of my fantasy of her staying a baby forever. I opened my eyes and looked down at her with a smile. I loved the way the bright blue of her eyes stood out against her skin.

"Alice," she said.

"Oh yeah? What about her?"

"Alice," she insisted.

"You love your Aunt Alice, don't you. Well, she loves you too."

"Hey Ness, do you want me to get him in his suit?" Jake asked as he was drying his hands with a dish towel. My parents were coming over today to swim with us today.

"That would be nice. I'll come and find something for Swan to wear, we might as well not even bother putting her in her suit." Jake nodded in agreement. I followed up him upstairs and picked out a cute floral print dress for Swan to wear as Jake got Anthony changed on our bed. I took Swan into her room to get her changed and called Anthony in.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now