Chapter 20 - Hiccup's POV

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I stayed up all night writing letters. There were so many. Dad, Gobber, the riders and more. I didn't want to let them down especially not Dad but I couldn't go on without Astrid. It hurt to think her name but I didn't care. Soon I would hold her in my arms again and everything would be alright.
I went to get Toothless. I knew that he would understand if I had told him exactly what i'm was going to do so i had been very careful and now i just pretended that it was a normal ride we were going on.
We landed on the one place that I loved and hated the most, the island. The island where Astrid and I had spent our anniversary. My heart broke once again. I jumped of Toothless and made myself ready. I knew that Toothless couldn't fly without me so i didn't need to worry about that. But I had been very careful to write in my letter to Fishlegs and Heather to come back and help Toothless get back home if he wanted to, if he didn't they were told not to force him but to check in on him once in a while.

I hugged Toothless goodbye. Then I went to the edge of a cliff and looked down at the water. Soon we would be reunited again. We would be buried together in the ocean. I looked over my shoulder at Toothless
"I'm sorry bud." I said and jumped.
It felt like I fell for hours. Suddenly I remembered every memory i had with Astrid. I remembered our first kiss, all the times that she had defeated me, all the times that I almost lost her and the time when I lost her forever. But forever was going to end now. I would soon hear her beautiful voice again as she yelled at me for committing suicide. I smiled big. Everything was going to be alright again.
Then suddenly I didn't fall anymore.

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