CH. 01

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 ONE : tonight

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ONE : tonight

A big, yellow bus stopped in front of a structure that reads, National Palace of Myeondam. Little feet stepped out of the bus and examined the large palace-like in front of them. Many oohs and aah were the expression on most children. The children lined up, each pairing up with their partners. Chaemin grabbed her partner's hand and walked faster than the other kids.

"Yah Mrs. Lee will scold us!" whispered the boy while being dragged by the excited Chaemin.

Chaemin swayed her head, ran with her partner and sneaked inside before the others can. The both of them stopped at the gallery, where the children's second destination is.

They both mesmerize the large portrait and paintings hanging on the white wall, each holding its originality and abstract colors. But one thing had caught Chaemin's attention.

A portrait that reads, The Crimson Prince.

"Hey big guy, can you tell more about this cutie up here?" pleaded Chaemin to the museum instructor, with an irresistable pout pointing at the painting of a man. In the portrait, his eyes were glaring with hatred, love and fear.

He was a lost boy.

"Ah, that one? Well it's not really a story for kids—"

"Pleaseeeeee." followed by the children gathering in front of the museum instructor and the painting that got their attention.

"Are you sure? I mean, this one's a long story. It can probably take you for a day."

"I don't mind skipping class tomorrow!" Chaemin said.

"Me too!" the boy beside her also volunteered.

"Alright alright, but I'll make it short. In the town of Myeondam, right here where you kids are, there was a girl that is famous for being called the Rose of Myeondam, because of her flawless red hair. She was the town's beauty, the face of every man's dream. Until she went missing on Crimson Night."

"What's a crimson night?" Chaemin interrupted.

"It's called for the day where the crimson prince searches for a bride. It happens every after fifty years, without knowing what happened to the girls he took. They're either dead, eaten alive or poisoned. So Rose went missing on crimson night but legends say after her being captured, the crimson prince hadn't showed outside of the world. Some say Rose broke the curse or she killed the prince, but till' now nobody knows what happened to her nor the prince."

"Yah Soo-Jin stop sleeping!" Chaemin poked her friend, unable to concentrate on the story probably because of being overly excited he forgot to sleep the day before their field trip.

"S-sorry. I'm.... I'm awake.... now." fighting off his sleepiness, Chaemin held Soo-jin's hand and dragged him to who-knows-where.

Since the small children they were, they bumped into a lady which cause Chaemin to slid down along with her backpack scattered on the floor. She stood up, apologized to the woman who were in knees.

"Chaemin! Soo-Jin! There you are. Both of you are so in trouble." The teacher stormed to their direction, helped the woman to stand up and apologized once more. Soo-jin did the same too, but they were too late to even run away. Their teacher already caught them and was punished to be held by the teacher for the whole trip.

←— 🌹 —→

"Bye Soo-jin." she waved goodbye to her friend, each crossing different paths.

Chaemin went to her room to be greeted by lots of children. She's just an orphan living in an orphanage. When she opened her backpack, an old, notebook was placed on her bag. Chaemin felt scared thinking it would be something dangerous. But as soon as she opened the notebook, it was a diary.

Park Chaeyoung
( Rosé ) 🌹

to my life here in Myeondam, and to the person who's probably going to read this since maybe I'll misplace this or hide it to someone reliable.

Her eyes widened, suddenly realizing that the nickname Rosé is the same from the story in the museum. To her curiosity, she scanned the contents.

She flipped another page, but a paper was slipped. A note that was well written with a perfect handwriting.

It says,

to my Jeongguk,
the Crimson Prince.


sooo waddya guys think? :D there's already a ch. 2 but I think I should write half of ch. 3 before publishing it to still have motivation to write. Tell me what did you guys think~~ <3, I would appreciate some votes for motivation, too <33

and thanks so much for 1k reads on Blackboots! 💕💕

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