CH. 22

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hi hi hi guys, expect the following chapters for chanrose interactions. it might take a bit long, but i hope little by little you'll grow to love chanyeol as well. we're near the ending so hold your horses and grab on tight <3

also, there are exchanges of scene. if ever u get confuse in the middle

 if ever u get confuse in the middle

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TWENTY-TWO: it's not a thing

With Chaeyoung all alone the night they fought, both couldn't sleep very well. The other would either cry, while the other party would drown in alcohol. Both were hopeless. The other would still have nightmares, while the other didn't sleep at all.

"Rosé? Are you awake?" a voice called, standing from the door with a tray of food.

A soft grunt escaped from her lips and rubbed her eyes, tried to open it and blinked twice. Chaeyoung scanned the room with a much lighter ambiance than in the house she lived with Jungkook. A house full of yelling and crying. Her body seemed so heavy and her eyes were still damped with tears.

Finally realizing she was somewhere she couldn't recognize, her eyes immediately shifted to her position, to the room, and to the man standing at the door with wide eyes.

"How did I get here?" standing up so suddenly her eyesight slowly blur and caused a headache, unable to stand up properly.

The man placed the tray on the table and helped her in getting up, holding her elbow gently until she can stand up.

"I'm fine Chanyeol, thank you. But seriously, what am I doing here?"

"You passed out on the bench looking pale. You look like you got kicked out of your house so I brought you home."

"Oh. Well thanks Chan. But I have to go. As much as I want to stay I have places to be."

"Where exactly? I mean you have your bags with you so where will you stay?"

"Going home I guess." she shrug, looking like a complete sick person.

"You can stay here if you like? Last night you were in so much pain. Looks like you can barely get off this country alone."

"It's alright, really. I can handle myself. Besides I have meds with me, I can survive." half-joking with a faint smile even though it's hard for her to force a smile.

"Then atleast let me take you to the airport. That way I'll know if you take off safely."

She couldn't say no. If he was not this nice and caring she wouldn't even agree to any of his actions. She would even argue to why he brought her here. Because she knows how mad Jungkook will be if he knew about this.


After getting fixed up and is ready to go to the airport, another sting of pain hit Chaeyoung so hard she groaned, leaving Chanyeol panicking.

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