CH. 13

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THIRTEEN: spells

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THIRTEEN: spells

"Tzu-yu. And this is my friend Minatozaki Sana, the one whose family owns this beach resort. She's japanese." The girl named Tzuyu pointed out, as they both chat with Taehyung on the bar.

"Hey, Sana. Both of you look beautiful today. And nice place your family has. Our last visit was four years ago, so this is our first meeting." Taehyung said to Sana, who was smiling widely with a shy posture, while Tzuyu nod along.

Taehyung noticed away the blonde girl standing a meter away who looked a little lost, rather, who looked heartbroken.

"Lisa! Can you help me carry our drinks?" Lisa, who was frowning snapped back and took a second for her to respond.

"O-oh, sure!" The two ladies kept on asking Taehyung questions, even told him how handsome he is. Sana asked him who Lisa was, and she just stood there nervous of what he'll answer, whether he'll them she's just a friend. But what did she expect? A label that will always be like that.

"She's like a sister to me, a good friend." Taehyung held her wrist, smiling without knowing how the word sister hurts more than a friend. Sisterzoned.


"What's taking Lisa so long?" Irene asked.

"I'll go check on her." Rose stood up from the sofa and left their area, searching the place, the bar and saw Taehyung left all alone standing.

"Tae! Where's Lisa?" Asked Rose.

"S-she just left." Rose saw behind him the two ladies who were watching them, and that hinted her that Lisa saw him talking to these and got hurt, but he wasn't able to notice her feelings.

"Where to?"

"I don't know. Don't worry, I'll look for her." Taehyung said and started searching for her.

Rose took a walk away from the party and lights, and found a path where it leads to the shore. That part of the resort was quiet. And it was Rose afterall, she prefers quiet place for someone as introverted as her. As the waves were splashing up and down, she sat down on the sand, listening to the calm sound of the sea.

But to her surprise, she saw a figure walking towards the sea, deeper and deeper until half of its body is covered by the waters. She shouted, but the man didn't listened. Suddenly she took off her sandals and dragged the man away from the water and layed him down on the shore, choking.

"Oh my- are you ok?! Can you breathe?" she pumped his chest, finally coughing at the last pump. His mouth released waters and choked while Rose pat his back.

"Why did you save me? Do you know how close I am?" he said angrily.

"Do you know how much valuable life is?" Rose responded to his rude comment instead of thanking her.

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