CH. 11

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ELEVEN: too strong

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ELEVEN: too strong

Everything Taehyung said is too impossible for me to do. I mean, a demon falling for me? I can't even make my highschool crush like me back. What kind of stupid problem I've gotten myself into.

As I lie on my bed with my eyes focused on the ceiling, the pretty, miniature chandelier twinkled its dim lights. I quickly grabbed my diary and wrote all the stuff that happened since my birthday.

There was a knock on my door, I open it to see Namjoon, right? Standing outside holding a tray of chocolates and milk.

"A gift for making Jin tire the hell out of you." I gasped at the pretty chocolates that were in different shapes and sizes. Actually, they were shaped according to the people in this mansion. I assume the coconut hair-like is Jungkook, and the grumpy one is Yoongi, the one with bangs is Lisa, and the others are of different expression.

I laughed. "Thank you, Namjoon." He smiled back at me and left.

I was about to close the door but I overheard a conversation. It was Jimin and Yoongi, softly speaking. It seems like I notice how caring and convincing Yoongi is when Jimin's around, especially when they're alone. I've started to notice the way he acts manly and his hand caressing to Jimin's back, hair and arms.

Rose was about to close the door but Jimin walked pass her room and stopped by to tell her, "Kooks want you at the rooftop. Don't know why though, but he seems really tired and pissed off today."

"And what part do I have to I have to play with him being pissed off?" Acutally, I'm pissed at him too for harrassing me when he was drunk. I never thought he'd do things those demons did to me on Myeondam.

"Everyone knows you're Jungkook's stress reliever."

"That's probably the opposite. And I'm going to sleep, tell him I'm already sleeping."

"You can do it, Chae. Remember to tap your fingers on his cheek when he's blabbing about what angered him to calm him down."

Jimin left a wide smirk and a wink before he leaves. I was left there thinking how the world did I became his stress reliever? But thoughts aside, I needed to fetch my jacket and tied my hair to a ponytail.


After climbing a few steps on the ladder, Rose mesmerized the cold breeze and beautiful stars she saw. She got up from the ladder and felt the tingling cold wind pushing on her back. Her walk wobbled a bit from how tall the mansion is when she looked down.

"Woooah, the down view looks so pretty." she mumbled to herself.

"Hey." a voice ringed through the other side of the roof and there Jungkook sat with ice cream by his side. Rose approached him and sat beside Jungkook, giving her the bowl of ice cream.

"Jimin said, 'he looks really tired and pissed off'. "

"I am, but you're here, so I have no reason to be angry now."

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