CH. 30

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THIRTY: twice the birthday

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THIRTY: twice the birthday

I'm not sure if those two are messing around or if they really forgot my birthday. Which is not far from happening since all of this. But they were weird earlier, so I presume they know.

Jimin told me he'd take me to a restaurant so I dressed nicely. He knocks on my door asking me if I was ready. I nod, head outside and saw the two still reading that book and ignored me. Geez, we're grownups and these two still do this.

As we drove town, I notice that one girl who used to accuse me of seducing the professor to get me in the advance class and getting higher grades than her. She was a total pain in the ass that I have to endure even in training in virtual surgical operations.

"C-can we not go to that resto?"


"Someone really annoying showed up and I really don't wanna ruin my day." I said, still looking at her all dressed up like that magazine models that never really suited her.

"I'll ruin their day before they ruin yours. Now who is it?" He said, pushing his glasses and looked around. I laughed it off and told him that it's alright. He prepared this all for me so I shouldn't be picky. As he parked his car, he opened the door for me and escorted me like a queen in her carriage.

Snap out Jennie, you're a queen and you know it but why does this make you flutter.

I held onto his arm as we walk inside, the fancy restaurant that he told me. It wasn't big, wasn't small either, just the perfect size. The seat he got us is near the piano. The piano is quite beautiful actually but i never knew how to play.

Finally ordering our food, I excused myself to the bathroom. My day was about to go well until I got out of the toilet and saw her. It seems she was surprise by my appearance with her eyebrow raising at me. Deciding to ignore her I just opened my purse and grabbed my lipstick.

Peacefully was I applying lipstick, the bitch approached beside me and smiled devilishly.

"Well if it isn't the proffesor's favorite hoe. Hi Jenjen, so good to see you!" Her annoying voice gets through my nerves wanting to strangle her. But I let it slide, I continued on fixing my lipstick.

"You know you don't really have a chance at the professor now. Apprently we're a thing now, so I'm sorry darling if you're not his favorite whore now." She tried to pout which made me shiver of her looking like a duck. Still ignoring her, she burst up.

"You know you aren't really that smart so you suck on people and get what you want from giving them pleasure." She said, crossing her arms at me.

"Youra, does my lipstick looks fine?"

"No you look like shit."

"Oh gosh, I need to apply more if it annoys you. But I really need to go." I said in a very sweet and mocking tone with a smile.

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