CH. 06

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small note: just like in BB, i'll provide you guys with random rosekook pics, to get into the mood~

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small note: just like in BB, i'll provide you guys with random rosekook pics, to get into the mood~

SIX: liar

Jungkook wrapped a blanket around Rose while waiting for her to wake up. He placed her on the couch at the living room in the mansion, while everybody's waiting for her to gain conscious again.

"Where's V?" Jimin asked.

"Probably dead." Yoongi replied.

"Hm, maybe. Fire isn't a bit too harsh, right?"

"You burned him?!" Lisa exclaimed.

"What, I was just joking. So you did burn him? Because of that bitch?" Yoongi backfired, taking glances at Rose with a resting bitch face.

"Watch your words Yoongi." said Jungkook.

"Hey, you watch it you ungrateful brat. I'm older than you—"

"Enough! All of you are just brats with muscular bodies, nagging with your petty mouth is just so annoying. Remember if Jin isn't around here then I'm in charge of this household, so all of you shut up."

"Where... am I?" Rose rubbed her eyes and everybody's eyes were on her. The door creek open that burnt ashes and a strong scent of oil burst through the room. Taehyung, who was covered in ashes stormed inside and quickly punched Jungkook.

"T-Taehyung!" Rose cried.

Taehyung leaped at Jungkook and punched him at every chance he gets, hitting his cheeks. "You son of a bitch! You think you could kill me? What if Chaeyoung gets burns to death there?!" he shouted, throwing all of his anger at Jungkook.

Jimin tried to stop the two but ended up being elbowed at his nose by Taehyung.

"Hey! My perfect nose!" he exclaimed.

"Wait.... You guys know each other?" Taehyung stopped, Jungkook was left with his bleeding nose and Tae turned to face Rose.

"I had to watch you grow up until you're eighteen—"

"So all this time you were just a set up? To set me up?"

"Please just let me—"

"I don't need an excuse. I... I'm sick of excuses. Please leave out of my sight. And I thought I could trust you, heck I even shared secrets with you! And now you're telling me you work for him? Why, Taehyung? I considered you as a friend, I considered you as a crush! I liked you, but apparently you lied to me, so you broke my trust."

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