CH. 10

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TEN: curses and pretty girl

Time flew too fast. When Rose entered her room, she was distant, cold and silent. But as their conversation began to give topics that were amusing to Jisoo, both girls had grew a bond they once lost.

Little did she know from all the talking, it was past midnight and Rose fell asleep on her chair, Jisoo carrying the sleeping baby to her bed and slept beside her.

"I'm sorry Chaeng. For leaving you and Nini." Jisoo pressed her lips on Rose's forehead and went to sleep.


It's been a day and Jimin hasn't came back yet.

Like the hell I care even

I don't care about him, he's just another man who toys with women's feelings and dump them in the end. Right now I need to focus on my studies and work. Being a doctor is hard, especially when neoseurgeon is what I'm aiming for. For I know, I have four remaining years before I can graduate.

As for Chaeyoung, I don't know where in the world is that girl. Weeks had passed already, I even reported her to the police but they weren't able to help me.

I... I miss you, Chaeyoung. If you ran away like Jisoo, I might not be able to forgive myself from being such a bad friend.

Outside the cafe after a day of working, I stared up the night sky and closed my eyes.

When will the universe like me?

I thought. I needed fresh air from the stress I'm getting. Suddenly, something vibrated on my pocket and an unknown number flashing on my screen.

I waited for it to speak before I do.


"Who is this?"

"J-Jennie! Jen it's me, Chaeyoung. I have a lot of explaining to do but let me finish first before you speak."

My heart thumped incredously as I heard the same voice of my bestfriend. The same, sweet melodic tone which I miss so much.

"My... My sister took me to a week trip in America and I don't know when I'll come back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but because my old phone broke and it's hard to catch a signal here. I'm alright, Jennie. And I hope you are too."

"Y-you idiot! I even reported you to the police! I was worried sick, every night I send you texts, calls, heck I even went to your apartment to see if you're sick but it was locked!" I said in a loud and concerning tone, my throat getting a bit tight from pausing back my tears.

"I'm sorry Ni... But I'll come back to you soon. I promise. I haven't got much time to talk, but I'll send you letters."

"J-just promise me to write. Be it important or not, tell me everything. I don't care if how long or short that letter is but make sure to tell me whatever the hell you're doing, just so I wouldn't get worried."

"I will. Bye, Jen. I love you, and I miss you."

I gulp, causing my throat to tighten even more and tried to hold back my tears as possible.

"I miss you too." she ended the call, fixed myself and felt the heavy burden on my shoulder finally release.

"Someone looks relieved." I was startled by the voice who creep in the shadows, still wearing that shades even though it's night.

"Remove those glasses, you're off better without them. And what the hell are you doing here at night?"

"Same question goes to you, a pretty lady waiting here at the bus stop at night?"

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