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On the present day, Jennie and the twins sat on the living room while Chaemin couldn't process everything she had said, even though it's hard for her to believe.

"I... I think you got the wrong Chaemin. I'm just an orphan and... And I couldn't possibly be related to Soojin."

Little did they know, even Jennie wasn't aware that after little Chaemin got kidnapped, is that her father saved her from those people. Jungkook saved his little girl, unconscious. He thought further about taking him in but he knew he might hurt her, and that her daughter might get afraid of her.

It was his mistake leaving Chaemin alone sleeping on the bed, when she woke up only to see without a clue that it's her father.

Their friendship lasted for atleast three days, still Chaemin didn't have a clue it was his father he's with. But when Jungkook's demon senses began to crawl back again he decided to wipe away her memories and bring her to the orphan.

The day after is when Chaeyoung showed up.

"And here's a photo of you and your brother when you were just 4 years old." Showing the photo she hid in her wallet, a photo of the twins in their childhood and under is, "... Min x soo." Chaemin said lowly.

"You know who wrote that? You did."

Chaemin examined the photo closely and saw that it's really her. Looking back at Jennie–to Soojin, and to the photo. She couldn't believe it. She thought her life that her parents never wanted her so she became an orphan.

"So I'm not Park Chaemin?" She softly asked.

"No honey. You're a Jeon. Jeon Chae-min and Jeon Soo-jin."

Soojin stood up, approached Chaemin and bowed to her. "I'm sorry I didn't saved you from those horrible people. I-I'm sorry I didn't do my duty as your brother. If I had done something back then you wouldn't be stuck in  an orphan when I'm here." Holding back his tears, Chaemin stood up and pulled his shoulders to stand up straightly. She pouted, holding back from crying and hugged her brother.

Not able to hold back anymore, "nobody wanted to be my friend in school beside you, nobody would eat with me besides you. I thought everyone wanted to be my friend but when I'm not talking to them they see me as a crazy kid believing in such fantasies." She burts out her tears.

Soojin caressed her hair, "I'm sorry I didn't told you sooner that you're my sister from the first time we met. You were just so... so shy. And when you started to open up to people they'd turn their backs against you so I became your friend instead. Don't cry," he wiped her tears as the two reunited.

. . .

After a short reunion moment, I drove the kids to school. I'm already wearing my uniform to head to work, but I stopped by a newly opened coffee shop to grab my morning coffee.

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