CH. 25

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TWENTY-FIVE: how have you been?

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TWENTY-FIVE: how have you been?

"You can't hide forever, Rosie." Hoseok said, caressing Chaeyoung's hair who's lying down on the couch.

"Then what am I suppose to do? I haven't even told them that I'm pregnant."

"Confess. It's been two months I can't be here always, and I never really trust that Chanyeol to you. He's just plain mysterious." Not even minding that Chanyeol is just sitting in the kitchen.

With how much she trust Hoseok, she told him everything. How she became a victim of the Crimson prince, how her life was in the mansion, how she met people there. And with her honesty Hoseok told her that he's in par with them. Though just friendly associations, he and the demons get along well even though he's a human.

"If you want, I'll go with you today."

"No. . . Before I tell them, I want to tell Jennie first. She's my friend afterall, I want to let her know first."

Opening her phone, she scanned the contacts and pressed a number. Sending a text to tell her to meet her here in the apartment.


Her phone buzzed, a message popping on her screen. Jennie picked it up and her face lit up with a warm smile. Placing it down a figure as tall as her stood by the door entrance holding two cups of coffee.

"You leaving?" Jisoo said, placing the other on the table.

"About to go somewhere actually." Jennie replied, almost stuttered due to her nervousness whenever Jisoo is around. Even though they meet again last month the air is still thick between these two whenever they meet.

"Oh." was all she could say. Both not knowing what to do Jisoo sit on the couch while Jennie stood there, awkwardly brushing off her clothes and looking around.

"Please, don't be so tensed. Have coffee with me." Jisoo said.

"Uh, yeah sure. Coffee is nice." finally being able to sit without standing awkwardly she took the cup from the table.

From the first time they met, Jisoo held her anticipation to hug Jennie in order to keep formalities around the two even though Jennie cried in front of everyone, not knowing why she did but only Jisoo knew why.

But behind those, Jisoo truly still loves the woman in front of her.

The way her chocolate hair flowed gloriously behind her back, her elegance in dressing up and her soft cheeks when she used to pinch it, and the way her eyes disappear when she smiles.

"So... how's your studies?"

"Not much really. Just passed my board exam, I got my licensed already."

Jisoo's face turned into a smile, "really? Wow, you're really that easy to pass something. Good job." she gave her a thumbs up, Jennie responding with a chuckle.

"Well, about you? How have you been?"

"Still me, but dead inside. Kidding. I'm still Jichoo. I only became quiet and less playful is because I was lonely in my first days."

"You have Lisa, she's really fond of you and you both get along really well. And Irene too."

"Yeah but I don't have you."

She was about to reply but she supressed a smile, closing her mouth and sipped her coffee instead.

"I miss you Jennie. I know you have Jimin with you, and that guy can give his whole life to you. I just want to let you know I regret leaving. I wasn't there to comfort you on your hard times."

"No man or woman can replace you Jisoo. What you did was painful, but I forgive you. I realize how you were hurting more than me. And I still love you for that, you never fail to help others and still smile when it's you who's in pain."

"You're a strong woman, Jennie. I'm glad I fell in love with the right girl."

"But we fell in love in the wrong time." both said in unison.

Jennie's eyes were getting filled with tears yet she smiled it off when they both said that. Jisoo never cries. With how much pain she's in, she makes sure to comfort the other and choose to suppress her tears. Jisoo stood up and approached Jennie, hugged her tightly and held her close.

"We can still bring it back. Don't you want to?" cried Jennie. As soon as Jisoo hugged he, she burst out in tears as she held her tighly, Jisoo caressing her hair while she lets out a cry.

"It's everything I wish for baby. But we changed, times have changed. We can still be friends, me, you and Chaeyoung." Jisoo said, cupping her cheeks and wiped Jennie's tears, giving her a comforting smile.

"I will always love you, girlfriend or not." Jisoo said booping her nose and Jennie smiled while her eyes are still red.

"Cheer up Jendeuk. You have somewhere to be, right? You shouldn't go outside looking like that."

"Oh! Yes, I forgot Chaeyoung." she said, wiping her nose.

"You're meeting with her?"

"Yes, would you like to come?"

"I would love to but Irene asked me to help her later in baking. Tell her that we miss her here."

"I will. I love you Jisoo."

"I know." she teasingly replied.


a/n: a short jensoo filler x)

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