CH. 04

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In this perspective, I'll be addressing her as Rose and not Chaeyoung anymore :))

In this perspective, I'll be addressing her as Rose and not Chaeyoung anymore :))

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FOUR: calico cat

Jungkook rushed out of the door, walked through the hallways and saw a lying, helpless Rose on the sofa, unconsious. He cupped her face with his huge, muscular hands, examining every little detail, like the mole they both resemble on the chin.

"You're even prettier without that makeup, rather than when we met on that bar." he whispered, smirking.

Rose whimpered, a tear falling from her eyes, struggling to fight her dream of despair.

"Lisa! Take care of her. Dress her properly and clean her. Jisoo, bring her to me once she's done." Both girls bowed, Jungkook carrying Rose to a room. It had a huge bed, flowers embelished on the wall, the queen-sized bed that was too large for Rose, he layed her there.


Eyes starting to open up, her consicous slowly returning to the real world. Her heart still palpitated, atleast it wasn't as worse as before. She scanned the room, and thought this was it. This is the place where she'll die.

A woman walked inside of her room, Rosé being surprised by her beauty. But beautu wasn't supposed to be in her mind. All she could she think of is how she'll die.

"I'm Lalisa Manoban. Call me Lisa. I'll be taking care of you now, as order of the prince." She said so casually, helping Rosé to stand up and walk her to the bathroom. The bathroom was expected to be large, larger than the room she had in her apartment.

"Please remove your clothes."

"D-do I have to smell good before he kills me?"

Lisa should snort, she wanted to, but being serious is a must. Or else Rosé would think this is just child's play.

"No, a new family member must be presentable, especially when eating your first dinner with us."

Rosé gulped, her bitter senses tingling at the word, family. She didn't have one for sure. She's just an orphan anyway, so she didn't knew the feeling of family besides Jennie and Jisoo.

"H-how did you end up here? Did you get an invitation too?" Rosé asked, removing her clothes until her underwear is left. She plunged herself into the lukewarm bath and felt her muscles slowly releasing all the tense she's been getting.

"You have a nice body." the blonde haired girl said while scrubbing the back of Rosé. Her bath was silent. No words had spoken afer that, her mind revolving around the conversation she heard on the car.

"Here, I'll borrow you some of my clothes. Those guest clothes have been worn numerous times by the women here, so he'll see you in something different."

(( the picture above it what rosie looks like ))

Rosé lowered her head, looking like a complete different person in these fancy clothes and accesories. This isn't her life, she isn't used to this.

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