CH. 29

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TWENTY-NINE: birthday trouble

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TWENTY-NINE: birthday trouble

It was almost pass midnight and Ms. Kim had stopped upon seeing Chaemin getting drowsy. "It's getting a bit late, why don't you sleep and we'll continue the rest tomorrow, alright?" She said.

Chaemin refused and tried to widen her eyes even though she's getting sleepy.

"But we're almost finish, I don't want a cliffhanger!" She whined, but Ms. Kim insisted on continuing it tomorrow since she can't focus on the story if she's sleepy.

"Go to bed child, I'll tuck you in." She placed away the diary and stood up, offering her hand to Chaemin. She lead her to a guest room and the little girl jumped on the bed as Ms. Kim fixed her blanket.

"How about a story for me to fall asleep?"

"Silly, I've been telling you a story for hours. Now's the time to sleep."

"I have a question though. If Chaeyoung has Jungkook, then who do you have?"

"Are you asking me if I have a boyfriend?" She asked, laughing softly at the question as Chaemin nod.

"Well, I do have someone. But," she stopped as both heard a thud, almost as if someone had hit their foot on a wall. Ms. Kim tucked her in one last time and turned off the lights, leaving the room.

Chaemin couldn't sleep properly knowing that she's in a different place, and that her backpack is on the living room. She couldn't sleep without her small ragged doll which is inside he bag, so she stood up and tip-toed outside to fetch her things.

Upon entering the living room, she finally saw her bag on the couch and grabbed it. It wouldn't hurt to take a tour of this house but after knowing demons are true she ran for her life down to upstairs. On the hallway upstairs she tried to look back if ever someone's behind, but it scared the life out of her when she bumped into someone.

"Y-you don't scare me at all demon! Back off!" She prevented her eyes from looking at who was in front of her.

"Chaemin-ah?" A soft voice gasped, while the little girl suddenly turn to look at the person who was wearing pajamas.

Her eyes widened, "Soojin? What are you doing here? Did she took you in too?"

"Silly, I live here." The boy who is a close friend of Chaemin helped her up and grabbed her things.

"Wait, is Ms. Kim your mom? Wow, that's so cool. I didn't know you were this rich."

"You're really a silly girl dumdums. But whatever floats your boat. I could get trouble for staying up so I think I should go to bed now, and you should too."

"Can I sleep with you? I can't sleep alone. I'm used to sleep with lots of kids in a room so I kinda feel scared when I'm alone." Soojin sighed and lead her to his room, inside both kids hopped on his huge bed.

After minutes of trying to sleep, Chaemin couldn't stop thinking about the story. She poked her friend who was about to sleep, "Soojin, is it true? About that fairytale your mom is telling me? Is Chaeyoung real? Are demons real?"

"Yes, all of it is true. Chaeyoung is real, everyone is real in what auntie says. I've even seen a demon up close too. It's scary but they're also beautiful creatures. Some of them."

Chaemin was truly amazed, but as they both heard the door slowly creaking open, Soojin quickly positioned himself like a sleeping person and whispered to her very lowly, "quick, pretend you're asleep." and both closed their eyes.

It was Ms. Kim, checking to see if Soojin is asleep. To her surprise, she saw Chaemin beside him and smiled softly, tucking both children and kissed their foreheads. She dimmed the lights and went outside. Soojin soon opened his eyes and, "psst, she's gone, you still up?" But there was no response. Removing the blanket covered on her face, Chaemin had already fallen asleep.

. . .

Waking up from their sleep Chaeyoung stood up, caressing her belly by greeting her baby goodmorning. She woke up earlier than usual, because today is a very special day. Her phone buzzed, an alarm popping that shows Jenjen's Bday.

Chaeyoung stretched gently and put on her slippers and head outside. Entering the kitchen she saw Jisoo seriously reading a cook book. Not noticing her presence, Chaeyoung cleared her throat.

"Chaeng... I need your help." She said.

"What is it?"

"Do you know how to bake a cake?" Chaeyoung swayed her head while Jisoo looks troubled.

"Why don't we just buy one?" Chaeyoung suggested.

"No a homemade cake is much sincere."

"But unnie we aren't good at baking."

"... Good point. Nobody here is good at cooking except for Jennie and Jin."

The two thought about it a lot on how to give Jennie a cake. They read the cookbook seriously and attempted to make a cake but failed in the mixing process. They got lost, just made the kitchen messier with the eggs and flour smudges on the counter.

Suddenly, footstep coming down from the stairs until it reached to the kitchen and saw that it's Jennie. Both girls who was cooking was startled and panicked upon Jennie seeing them doing something.

"What are you guys doing? Is it a cake for me?" Her face lit up, but apparently they have another plan.

"Um, haha, no actually. We're making pancakes for breakfast." Chaeyoung said, who almost stuttered.

"Yeah but... why is there a cookbook when we have pancake mix?"

"Oh you know, pancakes mix these days couldn't be trusted, so we had to double check." Jisoo said, but Jennie wasn't having it though she let it slide.

"Sooo, anyone knows what's today?" Jennie flashed a smile, asking her two friends who looked rather obvious.

"Today? It's Friday right?" Jisoo said, while Chaeyoung nod her head in agreement. Jennie lost her smile, while the two noticed it and felt bad but they need to play along to make Jennie her cake.

Jennie pouted sadly and sat on the counter, and watched the two continue on making pancakes even though it wasn't really their intention. Jimin, who just got up from his sleep entered the kitchen and greeted the girls good morning. His bed hair and drowsy look made Jennie forgot she was upset.

"There's a newly opened resto in town, wanna go and check it out with me?" Jimin said, stretching his arms while Jennie snapped back into being upset with the two.

"Of course! I'm sure someone will appreciate me today unlike here where they can't even remember." Jennie said, standing up and left the kitchen while the two girls felt guilty.

Jimin looks at the two and saw their thoughts out loud. "You guys are in so much trouble." He laughed.

"Oh shut it. We're gonna make a cake that she'll appreciate more than your high class resto." Chaeyoung said.

"I bet on that." Jimin said, confident with his plans.

. . .


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