CH. 05

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FIVE: no one leaves

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FIVE: no one leaves

"Chae, are you home? Chae?" Jennie knocked—three, no, six times and there wasn't an answer. If she had plans, she would have told Jennie.

The girl gave up, went home with the breakfast she's supposed to be having with Rose.


Rosé got up, with no Jungkook beside her. She felt relieved, knowing she didn't slept well last night due to the uncomfortable state she's in. Lisa knocked, entered her room to lend her clothes.

"Lisa, w-what happened last night?"

"Forgive us for his behavior. Jungkook got drunk and it looks like he frightened you last night, and even turned himself to a cat."

"That calico cat?! That's so s-stupid!"

Rose got dressed up, went outside her room and furiously stormed to his whereabouts. Lisa followed her but she was too angry for her pace.

"Oh, goodmor-" Rose walked past Jimin, who is cut off by the fast-walker Rose. She went outside the mansion, saw Jungkook standing beside the fountain.

"Y-you! How dare you snuck in my room last night, drunk."

His head turned, looked confused at first.

"Oh, that? I was drunk. I would never sleep with a woman like you. I must have mistaken you for someone." he said, Rose having the what the hell expression written in her face.

"How can you mistake me for someone when the only person in this household who has red hair is me?"

"First of all, you're not the only one with the natural red hair, stop acting special." Jungkook left before she could even speak. How dare he? She thought. It made her blood boil. She wanted to kick him for embarrassing her that night, and even for his harrassment!

"Rosé! There you are." Her master had walked past her with his brows furrowed.

"Lisa. I need to leave this place. I can't bear to live under the same roof with your prince." She insisted, but the blonde grew to love Rosé.

"You can't leave, Rose. If you leave, it'll be my responsibility because you are in my care. If Jungkook knew about this, I would be kicked out." She lied. Jungkook never kicks out his family, even though the people in this household aren't even blood related, but they are considered as family.

"Then tell him you didn't know I left. It would probably best. Beind held captive by the crimson prince isn't my dream. I'm sure there are tons of women out there who can replace what he lost." Rose stormed off and was bumped into Jimin.

"Rosé, hello! Why do you look so distress? Is there something wrong?"

"Hello Jimin. No, nothing's wrong. Thank you for asking."

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