CH. 32

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THIRTY-THREE: hopeless

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THIRTY-THREE: hopeless

Dark winters had passed by very quickly and dull springs began to fade away as Chaemin and Soojin grew up. Those two children brought color to the hearts of everyone as they grew older. Chaeyoung, shortly after Jungkook running away it changed her somehow. A part of her died and a part of her managed to keep things together for her children. But she was never the same.

Jennie had to make herself busy 24/7 either at school or work. And after the day she'd come home and take care of the children. There wasn't a minute where she'd sit and rest, becuase if her mind wanders, all she closed her eyes, she see his playful face.

As for Jungkook, there hasn't been news or anything about him but there are suspicious news about deaths and the killer's wherabouts.

Lately, they haven't been much lively than before, and tried the best they could to heal from what they had witnessed. If it wasn't for the children, some of them might not be able to forget.

"Yah that's my cookie!" The four year old twins played on the floor while Lisa and Jisoo were turns in taking care of them. Soojin was busy eating a whole tray of cookies while Chaemin draws.

"Looks like Soojin got her mother's eating habit." Lisa laughed upon seeing these two kids inheriting some of their parent's trait. Like Chaemin, she got Jungkook's hobby of drawing and painting. And Soojin, who recently loves listening to music.

"Minmin-ah like the last cookie?" Soojin said, pointing out the last cookie to her.

"Yes please?" Soojin gave Chaemin the last cookie like an airplane to her mouth but once it landed near her, he immediately fly the cookie to his mouth, biting it in victory.

"Yah!" Chaemin pouted a sad face while Soojin proudly eats the last one.

"That's not nice honey, apologize to Chaemin right now." Lisa scolded.

Her brother told her sorry even though she's quite used to his mishiefs. But even so, her sister forgave him and continued on drawing. Taehyung entered the living room and the kids greeted their uncle with hugs on both his legs. Taehyung carried Chaemin and patted Soojin with his other hand.

Approaching to Lisa, he gave her a peck on the cheeks.

"Bought all the things we need?"

"Yep, all of them. I even bought snacks!" The kids cheered as Taehyung puts out a pack of biscuits and gave it to the two. Sitting down beside Lisa, he puts his arm around her, lowering her heaf to rest on Taehyung's shoulder.

"They're so big now. They used to be 4 months old now they're 4 years old already. I just wish everyone could be happy."

"We are happy. If Chaemin and Soojin didn't exist I don't know where we'd get our happiness now. But whatever path we'd take, it doesn't really matter."

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