CH. 26

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CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: take me back

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CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: take me back

Half the world was covered in snow. Some were experiencing cold weather and not snow, some are having fun playing snowball fights. And Chaeyoung, well her winter spirit became dull.

A knock on the door, twice and Chanyeol had opened it for her, seeing a woman in her 20's looking concerned.

"Where's Chaeyoung?" walking past  him, Jennie scanned the room and saw Chaeyoung walking out of her room looking quite shocked. Both had a good 2 second stare before approaching each other to hug.

"Chaeyoung oh my — I miss you, you stupid head! Do you think running off like that without saying anything will calm my nerves?! I've been worried sick!"

Chaeyoung chuckled, happy at seeing her bestfriend's scolding again.

"I'm sorry Jen. I promise I won't do that again."

"You better. . . I miss you." responding with a warm smile both had a sweet reunion.

With Chanyeol still there Jennie questioned what's his role in her life. She replied with being her friend, and that he takes care of her.


After finally confessing everything to her, Jennie understood her bestfriend more. She never thought about leaving her, never it crossed her mind. She was willing to help in going back to the mansion and Chanyeol insisted on coming even though he's going to a demon's territory.

"I'll be fine. I just want to see you off and safe."


"Jen, it's alright. It's fine Chanyeol, you can come. But do know what might happen if they see you."

"I can handle myself."


Packing her clothes, Jennie, Chaeyoung and Chanyeol went to drive to the mansion. She missed going here, to where she saw the fountain. That's where she fought with Jungkook because he slept with her drunk, and seeing that court remembering where Jungkook tried to lift his shirt for her to notice him.

"I miss this." she mumbled, the mixture of excitement and nervous in her guts.

Stopping the car at the entrance, Irene, Jisoo and Taehyung stood on the porch to see the three getting off. Far away they even sensed the smell of a vampire, thinking Chaeyoung would be in trouble.

Bringing down her bags the maids helped in bringing it inside and they greeted Chaeyoung, while Chanyeol stood a distance from them.

"You might freak out, but he's nice. He took care of me, even fed me healthy foods. Please don't be alarmed." Chaeyoung said, trying to lower down the intense stare of them to Chanyeol.

"Hello." he raised his hand, when suddenly the door burst open and left Chaeyoung in shock.

"...Jungkook?" she said, seeing how still lifeless he is.

Taehyung tried to block him but Jungkook removed his hand. "You were with him all the time?" he said in a cold tone.

"Yes. If you're still angry with me—" she was cut off by Jungkook pulling her to his arms and embraced her. He held her tight— yet delicately and caring.

"Come back to me, please. I don't care how he took care of you. Just come back to me." he pleaded.

"You're not mad at me anymore?"

"I don't give a damn about that anymore. All I need is you, please Chaeyoung. Choose me, stay with me. I can't live a life without you. It might sound desperate but fuck it, I can't do everything alone. I need you beside me."

She remembers he's still suffering from his curse, and that he does need her, like she needs him.

"I'm sorry for everything, Jungkook. I'll come back, I promise. I'll never leave your side again."

Jungkook removed his arms, cupping her face and finally after months a smile returned to his face. He held her hand, walking her inside the mansion like everybody did. But she stopped, looked back at Chanyeol who was standing there, waiting for her to talk.

"Wait for me." she said to Jungkook.

Approaching the vampire, "about that black diamond ring. it's... it was suppose to be a love spell. i dusted of some love spell but turns out, you didn't need it. you love him so purely no spell can change it."

"I'm happy the spell didn't affect me. That way I got to know more about the real you. Thanks for everything, Chan. I'll keep this instead, to remind myself about my vampire friend."

"Farewell Rosé." he bid goodbye.

"Hey vampire." Jungkook called to him.

He didn't respond, but waited for him to say something.

"Thanks." He said, getting inside the mansion with Chaeyoung. Chanyeol was able to appreciate the thanks from both of them. He truly loved Chaeyoung, spell or no spell she was the impact on his life.

Upon reaching inside, everybody greeted the two as if they were gone for years.

"Well, how does it feel to get back here Chaeng?" Lisa asked, happy because they were almost complete.

"I'm... happy. I guess this is home." Chaeyoung said, while Jungkook's hand is still on her waist.

"Well that's one hell of a vacation you had in London." said Jimin, whom she saw holding Jennie's hand in secret though it's quite obvious.

"About that... I'm also happy that Jennie is here, we're having an additional two here in the family." Chaeyoung thought it's time for her to tell them, everybody were confused as to why there's another mentioned besides Jennie

"Who's the other?" Jisoo asked.

"A Jungkook junior." Jungkook happily said, Chaeyoung quite surprise at how he knows.

"What?! You're pregnant? How many months? How am I not informed about this? Jungkook why didn't you use protection?!" Taehyung had his jaw drop, questions that kept on asking.

"Aish, I packed you strawberry scented condoms yet you didn't even used them." Jimin sighed, Jennie and Chaeyoung secretly laughing.

"What? I have condoms? And can we not talk about protection right now?" Jungkook cut off Jimin, missing their fights.

There were conditions to the demon's deal. One is to spend his last days with Chaeyoung, until she gets to deliver their child. And after that, he promise to never step foot in the mansion, staying far awar from the people he loves, because he solely promise that he'll let his demon take over him.

The other offer, however is to forget Chaeyoung and push her away in his life forever and his curse will be lifted.

But of course he didn't want that life, he chose to spend his last days with the love of his life.


a/n: coachella roseanne is wild

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