CH. 09

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a/n: this will also have a change of perspective, so notice how they talk and think to know whose perspective you're reading

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a/n: this will also have a change of perspective, so notice how they talk and think to know whose perspective you're reading.

NINE: guess who's back

Chaeyoung woke up hugging to a pillow with breakfast on the nightstand. Jungkook left a while ago to do some errands. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, her bed hair looking flawlessly.

The wound in her stomach is getting healed by what Jungkook did. She placed her hands on her stomach, to her arms and legs softly poking the bruise if it still hurts.

There was a note on the nightstand and Rose read it.

Get yourself ready, we're going home. Just stay there and lock your door, I'll call you when I have to. I left a phone on the drawer for you to use.

I trust you in this. I hope you won't run off.


Jimin's pov

It's weird to be back again here at the human world. But because I needed to find that asshole Jungkook, I presented to come. I fixed my shades drove my way to stop by a cafe where he told me where we'd meet. Everybody's eyes were on me. Since our taste of fashion is high, girls here are staring at me in a way where they'd squeal too. Guys were looking too, am I really that handsome even gays are gay for me? I just smirk, pushed back my hair and entered the cafe.

I sat very far to where people usually won't sit, and a girl approach me to have my order.

I look at her name tag, "Hello, Jihye. I'll get myself a two black coffee, just a piece of sugar cube and level the temperature to warm. I don't like my coffee hot." She bit her lip and smiled while writing the order I gave.

I can see what minds are thinking, actually.

And hers is lust. And I thought in those low pigtails you are actually a sweetie when you're hungry for lust. Sex, money and men. On mornings you work here, and at night you have a job to pleasure men.


A group of men in their middle age reeks of strong alcohol while laughing loudly, snorting and teasing each other.

Ugh, I can't stand this place. Why in the hell did Jungkook even suggested this to where we'll meet.


"Oh my gosh, that man over there is so handsome." Jihye squealed, I roll my eyes and didn't even bothered to look at him when I'm practically busy here. The table from the back called a waitress and I came along, asking for anothet round of beers.

Suddenly a hand smacked my left butt cheek.

What the hell. I flinch, but I was patient.

"Baby why don't you join us? You're fun." he continued on touching it.

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