CH. 08

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EIGHT: open your eyes

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EIGHT: open your eyes

a/n: this chapter changes perspective very often. first is rose, 3rd person, rose again, and of course, our very prince— jungkook :)


Help me, please. Whoever you are.

Slowly the anesthetic spread through my body. I felt nothing. I felt as if my body's dead, and I till' now I haven't open my eyes. I can't, I'm too scared. I'm too scared to see their reaction on whatever the hell they're doing on my body. I'm afraid of seeing those lustful eyes as I show them mine, a look of a hopeless, defenseless woman.

"Please, open your eyes." A voice said. It's quite familiar, really. It's the same voice I hear but this time, it's different. I heard it in a concerned tone.

"Just please kill me." I beg.

"Chaeyoung, open your eyes. You're safe now."

I snapped out of it.


J-Jungkook? I gasped for air as I saw the same pair of golden brown orbs from before, looking sincerly at me. I began to feel my senses slowly coming back, my head feels dizzy. I look at my body, my stomach is covered in cuts, my thighs, even bruises on my arm. After finally getting my senses back I felt all the pain rushing through me like a truck.

I saw myself only in my underwear, my bra almost getting torn with only half of it is covering my bare chest.

"D-don't look at me!" I told him, covering myself completely with my hands.

"I promise I won't look." He said seriously, approaching me without taking his eyes off mine. He picked me off bridal style, locking me in his daze.

"I was scared." I gulped, holding back the tears as I recall what they did to me.

"You're a mess. It's alright, I'm right here. I'm sorry from what I did back there."

"Why can they see me though?"

"Because they're also demons, like us. That only effects on humans." He carried me so gently, as if he's afraid that I might break.

I slowly turn my head to a slight turn but he stopped me.

"Don't. Just look at me, Chaeyoung. Focus on my eyes." He said, still not moving away from his soft gaze.

I did what he told me, and locked mine into his.

It was weird.

Because my heart skipped a beat.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you might see how angry I got when they did that to you." He softly spoke.

"I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be afraid of me. I'm a monster, I'm a murderer, Chaeyoung. And you wouldn't want to be friends with a killer."

"As long as you didn't hurt good people, I will never see you as a monster."

As he was walking away, he put me down on his car parked outside. It was already night, and thank the heavens nobody is around to see me like this.

With Jungkook getting in the car, he removed his coat and gave it to me, covering up my half-naked body.

I just remembered, "why didn't you gave me this earlier? That way you wouldn't have to look at me." I blushed, burying my face on the collar of the coat.

He smirked, "I wanted to do it the romantic way." He grinned widely, causing my cheeks to heat up. I couldn't move too much since my body is still numb.

"Jerk." I mumbled.


After parking to a hotel, Jungkook removed the ring from Rose and made sure she was covered up to avoid seeing the bruises.

He made a plan, with Rose wearing sun glass and made it look like they're from some company business that had to stay for a night.

After checking in, he immediately picked up Rose and placed her down softly on the bed.

"Why are we not coming back to the mansion? Lisa will help me—"

"No, they can't see you in that condition."

"But she told me she has healing powe—"

"I said no!" he exclaimed.

"Why?! Tell me the reason we can't go back?"

"....They'll kill me for letting this happen to you." he scratched his head, looking really frustrated. Rose face-palmed herself and grunted. The wounds sting on her body and Rose groaned in pain.

Jungkook took out the medical kit and placed it beside Chaeyoung.


"Remove your coat." he demanded. Was he insane?

"I thought you promise you wouldn't look." I replied.

"But you're hurting." He's right, the wound is stinging as heck. The scratch on my stomach is really painful. I did what he told me, and there I was again—half-naked in front of him.

A cloth touched my skin and it felt really—really painful. I groaned in pain, tightening my girp on Jungkook's shoulders as he cleanse the blood.


I couldn't help seeing her in pain. It's too much for me, and I don't even know why I care so much for this woman to massacre those demons who harassed her.

I have never killed that brutally ever since.

I... I left that habit for a while and never let it get to me again.

But why you, out of all the people in the world it has to be you?

While I clean the scratch on her stomach, I couldn't help but mesmerize her goddess figure. Her milky, smooth skin, her incredibly tiny waist, her slim legs and that fucking red hair that always gets on my nerves.

No, I can't say it.

I don't want to say it.

You're beautiful. is what my mind is telling me right now.

No! I promised Roseanne that she's the only woman I can call that.

But you have this powerful spell that casted me so much that I'm completely drawn to you. And I have to control that feeling. Because if I don't, who knows what I'll do to you.


After taking a bath, I gave her the clothes I bought for her while she showered for a whole damn hour.
"I thought you'd never leave that bathroom."

"I fell asleep, sorry." she smiled.

She walked herself slowly to the bed and dropped her body, being devoured by the softness of the comforter. Why do you have to be so cute? I opened the lamp and switched the lights off, making myself comfortable on the couch. She mumbled, "I can't sleep without hugging something." what a baby.

I got up from the couch and lay beside her, tugging herself to mine as I hug her, and there she hugged me back, her face lying close to my chest. I tug the strands of her hair and tap my fingers on her chubby cheeks, making me smile.

"Sleep now, Chaeng." and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.


so sorry for the short update u-u

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