CH. 03

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FOUR: golden letter

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FOUR: golden letter

It's time for the girls to head home, drunk. It's a good thing Jennie didn't consume too much alcohol when she knew the three were slight weak to alcohol.

Outside of the place, Hoseok had taken Wendy and Yeri home and Jennie was left with Chaeyoung to be taken care of.

"You really need a boyfriend to take care of you, you big baby." She mumbled, laughing it off while she carries Chae with her arm is wrapped around hers.

"Yaah! I don't need-" a hiccup bursted, "a boyfriend to care for me. I just-" another one, "I just need you with me and J-Ji—" and another one, "Jisoo."

Jennie sighed deeply, remembered a certain memory that she didn't wanted to bring back. Chaeyoung had kept her away from the bad memory she had but Jennie didn't think that Chaeyoung would also be the one to remind her that.

Jennie's former girlfriend, Jisoo.

Jisoo was her world. Her everything. Jennie never thought that Jisoo would have the same feelings for her, until a night where it all changed. The night on Jennie's birthday, Jisoo had proclaimed her love for her bestfriend. And so they lived on the same roof together, ambitions and goals that were formed each day.

Nevertheless, Chaeyoung was supportive to the two, still respected her elders and loved them how she always had.

Jennie woked up hoping she would see her girlfriend cooking breakfast, wearing the apron she made, but a little note was placed on their picture together.

from Jichu:

I'm going overseas with my mom. She knew about our relationship so I had to leave before they could come to you.

Baby I'm so sorry for everything. I might not comeback, they even wanted to change my phone number. I had to do this before they could harm you.

I'm sorry if the deities had chose me to love you, and at the same time I'm hurting you. Maybe the universe didn't want us to be together, but my heart did.

I love you, Jennie. I always will.

Jennie had a breakdown when she saw the note, the note that consisted of a heartbreak she didn't expected, an overwhelming distress that brought her to tears.


"Where are we goooingg?" Chae giggled, followed by hiccups.

"You need to sober up, drink some coffee." Jennie handed Chaeyoung a cup of coffee and tried to shove it, but ended up drinking it instead. They were at Chae's apartment this time and Jennie had to leave to feed Dalgom, Jisoo's dog, and Kuma.

It was all Jisoo had left her.

Jennie kissed Chaeyoung's forehead, leaving a wrapped gift on her coffee table while Chae is busy minding her own world, still on the process of sobering up.


Chaeyoung had woken up with a terrible headache, saw the time pointing at 11:11. Her mind wanted to explode of aching. She head out to grab medicine and saw the gift Jennie had placed.

Happy birthday my Rosie, I hope you had a great night as an adult.

I love you, always stay a little chipmunk when you're clearly taller than me.

Love, Jen ❤

Chaeyoung loved that girl so much, it hurts to see her broken over Jisoo but still hides the pain.

Chae opened the wrapper, saw a fine—leather thick notebook that was all black with tiny red silhouette rose carved in the middle of the cover. Her name is also written in hangul and Rosé.

But another paper was placed on her table. It was a fancy one, an envelope with a gold, circle sealer. She opened it, a well-written handwriting showed:

You have been chosen as the Crimson Prince's bride.

Accept this letter if not, you will receive consequences. We will hurt your friends, especially Jennie Kim.

Once you see this letter, guards will see you on the parking lot. You have 30 minutes to think.

No calling the cops, any terms of communication after seeing this will result to a very bad case.


"Did she accepted the letter?!" Chaemin gasped, looking more shock than what Chaeyoung's expression was.

Kim giggled, sipping a cup of her coffee and nod.

"Have I told you yet?....."


Have I told you yet? Once a girl recieves a letter from the Crimson Circle, there's no turning back. If you refuse their proposal, it's either they'll kill your loved ones or they'll follow you everywhere until you become insane and paranoid. Watching you while you sleep, footsteps on your home, and doorbells at unusual time.

Chaeyoung's hands are shaking, her palm's sweating hard. Her insides had panicked for a moment, unable to breathe at the right time. With her headache clashing along with her adrenaline rush, Chae ripped a piece of paper and left it inside her drawer, locked it and grabbed any important things she had to bring. Clothes, self defense weapons, anything that might bring her to danger.

This is it.

She'd never thought 18 years of her existence, it'll just end by a demon prince.

By a psycopath.

She cried, she had to. While grabbing the things she needed, Chaeyoung had a breakdown before leaving her apartment. She lived a pretty good life, but she'd never imagine leaving Jennie alone. She only had one option, and that was to tell her she'll be back. With the little piece of paper she had left, it felt a little hope that she will return safely to Jennie.

Chaeyoung wore a coat, tied her red hair in a messy ponytail and locked her apartment. She left the key by burying it on the plant beside her door.

Wiping off the tears on her face, she rushed out of the building to face the black car on the parking lot. Two men had their bodies rested on the vehicle, pushing up their sunglass and helped Chaeyoung put her things inside.

She went inside, hearts pounding at every bit of movement they made, her vision blurring that cause her to pass out.

"I think this one's a special case." The passenger said.

"You think he'll kill her?" the driver replied.

"Hm. Maybe, but I doubt she'd last long. No one ever really lasts that long with Jungkook."

Little did they know Chaeyoung heard everything they said, and that only made things worse.

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