CH. 14

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FOURTEEN: game night

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FOURTEEN: game night

p.s: that photo can cure any cancer and depression

After spending the night at the resort, everybody had head home and prepared themselves to sleep. Everybody went to their respective rooms and slept. However, Jimin was lucky enough to have a number of his girl.

He dialed the number, a few ring before it answered. He didn't evem expect she would answer it in the middle of midnight.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hi Jennie." he said in a deep, warming voice.

"Jimin? Why'd you freakin' call in the middle of the night?" she said.

"Sorry, can't sleep. Well, you're scolding me then why are you awake?"

"Studying. It's already our third semester exam, and I needed to pass this so badly."

"Dr. Kim Jennie, Neoseurgeon doesn't sound so bad. But do you know what suits you better?"

"What? A traffic enforser?"

"Dr. Park Jennie also sounds good." There was a brief silence before she could respond to his flirting tactics and gave him a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, no sir. I still haven't finished my studies yet."

"Can I video call you? I want to see your face." he pleaded like a kid.

"Fine. I needed a break anyways. Chaeyoung hasn't answered my calls, I want to tell her how high my score always is whenever we take surprise tests." He pressed the 'share video' and Jennie's face popped on the screen.

Jimin found it hard to respond, but he answered her, "maybe she's just busy." and that made her believe at her friend. But, even at the slightest moment, Jennie thought Rose got captured on crimson night. But that let her slipped out of her mind and focused more into reality, that Rose isn't that weak to be captured by demons.

"What if, your friend was held captive by demons? You know, the crimson prince?"

"That's not funny, Jimin. And Rose would never let herself be held captive by those kinds of people. She would never go with them without a purpose." He thought about making her realize that Rose is with the demons but then he remembered that overthinking too much can cause mental block, especially when Jennie's taking her exams.

"Your eyes look drowsy, it's cute. You should go to sleep, there's always tomorrow to review."

"But I need.... to memorize... six.... more... pages.."

"Yah, just sleep. Your brain won't function well if you're lacking sleep. Listen to your assitant, doctor." She heard it, but as soon as she closed her eyes and tilted her head, Jennie had fallen asleep." their video call was short, but it was enough for Jimin to make him happy. He end the call, seeing her shadow peered through behind.

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