CH. 23

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you might wanna take a detour to chapter 15 somewhere in the middle where Namjoon said something about an ally. hehe.

TWENTY-THREE: that green thing

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TWENTY-THREE: that green thing

Choosing to go back in Myeondam, Chaeyoung decided to keep this pregnancy thing a secret for a while from Jisoo and the others.  Chanyeol went back to Korea, but he lived far away from Chaeyoung. But even so, he visits her often to take care of her.

"Rosie! Where were you girl? We've been worried sick!" Said Mrs. Min, who apparently caught Chaeyoung entering her apartment. She did everything to avoid getting caught but she's definitely bad at hiding.

"Hi Mrs. Min, I'm sorry I left without a warning. I was in America with my sister, I couldn't say goodbye since I was in a hurry."

"My, you look different. Something happened in America dear?"

"Been eating a lot. But I'm still me." forcing a smile to end this conversation, she excused herself and went back to her apartment, seeing letters written from Jennie and other mails and bills. Cleaning up the whole room, she redecorated everything until a knock on the door interrupted her.

Taking a peek outside, it was Chanyeol carrying a plastic bag with raw meat and other ingredients in it.


((grab a snickers LMAO I'M SO SORRY))

"A little. I was about to finish cleaning this room." He let Chanyeol in, continued doing what she was doing while he place the ingredients on the table. Turning on the stov he began to cook.

"I'm making beef and radish soup. I also brought avocadoes, they're healthy for preggies."

"Avocadoes? That's... nice. Yeah, thanks Chanyeol." she let out a considerate smile though inside she was cursing him for bringing an avocado.


"Avocadoes? Who even likes those green things!" cried out the little excited Chaemin who was keen on listening to the beautiful woman.

"Are you bored, dear?"

"Not at all. I want you to finish the story. I'm starting to dislike Chanyeol, why is he nice and handsome?"

"Then listen closely darling."


Soon after both of them are done, Chanyeol prepared the table while Chaeyoung rests on the sofa. Until someone rang the door bell. A tall, silhoutte of a man is seen under the door and Chaeyoung couldn't help but take a peek from the window.

"Rosie? You there?" said a familiar voice. Immediately after knowing who it was, she opened the door and a tall figure with a smile greeted her with flowers.

"Hoseok!" Leaning to hug him, she felt pain in her back and soon let go, hiding the fact that she isn't feeling well.

"How's America Rosie? I decided to take a visit out of the blue and didn't realize you're already here."

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