CH. 19

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"She's what?!"

Further explain everything to her, Jennie became even more and more emotional. The feelings were quite mixed.

Mixed with sadness, because she knew the reason why she left, because it's to protect her and became a demon.

Mixed with anger, because she lied. Without even a proper goodbye.

And mixed with happiness, because she's hoping for her feelings to be the same as before.

Jimin, on the other hand was both happy and sad for his girl. She knew her biggest secret yet he's also the one to bring it back again. Just when they were getting closer, he's afraid Jennie might get further away from the bond they've made.




"Shit, I'm so stupid. What am I gonna do?!" said the grey haired man.

"You can't lie to her."

"But what if she still loves her?!" panicking, walking in circles while Taehyung sat there with his hand on his chin.

"Wait, who's this guy you're referring to anyway?"

"I... I can't say it."

"How can I help you if I won't get that guy's information."

"It's not a... guy... It's Jisoo." Taehyung's eyes suddenly widened, his mouth shaping to an o.

"Okay, okay, shit. Your competition's harder than I thought. You're competing with someone she had a relationship for two years, while you, a pretty handsome cocky guy who's freaking out because his woman loves a woman."

"Pretty much my love story." sighing, he sat down while Taehyung thinks of what he should do.

"Okay, here's what you'll do."




Holding her hand inside the car, he could feel her excitement and nervous at the same time.

"You alright?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, my stomach's turning when I'm nervous. I'm meeting someone I've known it's so nerve-wracking."

"So you aren't afraid of meeting her than breathing in the same house full of demons?"

"Exactly like that." her response made him laugh, at the same time sad since he stil couldn't read what's on her mind. He wouldn't know what she's thinking about: Jisoo, or him?

"If ever... you see her. Will you go back to her? I mean... be girlfriends again?" saying it with a hint of bitterness, though he hid it perfectly. He could hear her heartbeat, every pound of excitement and fear.

"I . . . I don't really know."

Standing in front of the mansion's doorway, he held her tight and went inside. Irene was busy cooking with Lisa and Yoongi was sleeping as always.

Having a high sense of fashion Jennie almost leveled the girls' standards and was captivated by her stunning fashion sense.

Irene, wiping her hands greeted Jennie with a hug. While Lisa bowed and smiled, her hands dirty with dough.

"Do you like Italian food, Jennie?" Irene asked, getting a little comfortable with the human.

"I can eat anything."

"Why don't you escort your girlfriend around the house? I'm sure Jis—" Jimin shouted at her in her mind before she got to mention Jisoo's name. "—I'm sure Jissy is around somewhere. She's one of our maid."

Jimin exhaled deeply and escorted Jennie around the house. He brought her to the living room, where the light was dim lit that spreads a shade of yellow brown light around the room. He was thankful Taehyung got to remove the only painting they have as a whole, because Jisoo is also in there.

"That wall looks like a painting was removed. The shape of the frame is there." questioning, she touched the maroon wall as he gulped.

Out of all the women, why the hell is she so unreadable. he thought with sweaty palms.


"Why are we walking for 20 minutes straight?" dressed in her coat as they both strolled around the park for nothing, for a distraction.

"Um.. Fresh air I guess?" thinking of another to distract her, he saw a restaurant that serves different kinds of chicken. Thought of a bright idea he held her wrist and they both walk towards the restaurant.

"Oh my gosh, chicken! This is the first time I saw this. I think it's new." her face lightening up as they went inside, the scent of chicken scattered the air. But the environment is a little unsettling. Everyone had eyes for the two. The waiters, the the cashier guy and the staffs. Even the two customers looked at them.

"We should get out." he said as a whisper, grabbing Jisoo's wrists and walked to the door. But a sudden bang on the door as it closes by two men. They were locked up. Taehyung pulled Jisoo a little behind him while the others appproached them.

"Jun-myeon? It's been a long time. It's a little hot in here when you closed those windows and door."

"I thought I needed privacy in talking to... my friends. Till' now you still look amazing, Jisoo." with a wicked smile, Jisoo stayed alarmed, knowing he tried to turn her into one of them because of his desires.

"Let's be straight here. What do you want?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing in particular. Distracting you mostly." he said, his hands in his pockets. "Your prince is having the time of his life with the human in London, right? I wish I had a girl like that. Would you want that Jisoo?"

"Shut the hell up Suho." she responded.

"Don't tell me Jongin followed those two in London?" Taehyung asked.

"Bingo! And not just Jongin. He brought along Chanyeol. That guy was love struck with that girl he also wished he could experience what Jungkook did. You know, kissing and stuff. Especially when you interrupted them in Japan."

Suddenly remembering the night where he saw Chaeyoung and Chanyeol together on the beach.

"This is also payback for Sooyoung. If you still remember her. I'm sure not, since you guys had a wonderful time these years."




Waiting hours for her, even finished having lunch with Lisa and Irene still Jisoo haven't return home. He thought Taehyung is doing a good job at distracting Jisoo to prevent her from coming home, but little did he know the two were in trouble.

"She isn't ... here?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know when she'll be back but I'm pretty sure she'll be around midnight. If you like I'll bring you tomorrow?" sadness flashing through her eyes, Jennie then explained that she'll be busy in the following days and she can't hang out with Jimin anymore since her finals are almost near.

"Wait isn't that her phone? Why is it calling?" a phone on the table vibrated but it seemed to familiar to Jennie that she immediately knew it was hers.

Though she couldn't see what was posted, a message from Chaeyoung appeared on the screen.


i made a new cover though it looks so dark and depressing ;-;

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