CH. 28

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warning: anyways... yall probably know so sskaksjfjshak

 yall probably know so sskaksjfjshak

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It's either she didn't hear him correctly or he was playing around. Of the two, Chaeyoung gave him the most confusing look.
"That's a what now?" Repeating his answer, Chaeyoung had to blink twice before letting those words sink in her mind. An engagement ring, something she never thought of experiencing at such a young age.

"You clearly had the guts to act sick before proposing?" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"What? You should look at your face." He non stopped laugh as she was bursting in anger.

"You.. you scared me to death! Do you think that was funny?! What if it's real, what if you're really dying and I can't do nothing about it?" She scolded him, standing up and leaving him lying down.

"Baby, I'm really sorry, I am. But you really should see the look on your face." He stood up and fixed himself, rubbing off the dirt in his polo.

"I hate you." She said, crossing her arms as Jungkook drop on his knee.

Repeating his previous proposal, he picked up the little box. "Will you marry me?"

"No." Still has her arms crossed, Chaeyoung remained stubborn.

"Will you marry Chanyeol?" He asked again.

"What?– no!"

"Then marry me. I won't be shutting up until you say yes." Repeating the words, marry me, Chaeyoung had to sighed deeply until it gets to the point where she got annoyed of him repeating the same words.

"Ugh, fine!"

"You still mad at me?" Definitely mad at him for faking a death, Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and Jungkook laughed it off, leaned closer to his girlfriend–fiancé and placed both of his hand on her waist, pulling her closer.

"I'm really serious if you haven't noticed. I'm really sorry about that prank, promise I won't do it again. Are you sure you want to marry me?"

"Idiot, of course I am serious." She pout, still has her arms crossed.

"How about her? Is she alright with me being his daddy?" Jungkook got up on his knee and placed his hand gently on Chaeyoung's belly.

"We're assuming gender now?" A smile lit on her face.

"I would love to have a little Chaeyoung." He teasingly said, flexing his appearance while the both of them laugh it off. And as the night goes, they ended the date with a final dance sealed with a kiss.


theee months later

everything is settled. The flowers, the isle, the chairs, decorations. The only missing in this event is the bride. With thumping hearts in sync, everyone held their anticipation as they wait for Chaeyoung to step out of that door. It was a lovely outdoor wedding, but no one other than them are invited. Except for Chanyeol, Chaeyoung insisted on inviting him.

As soon as the door opened, everybody turned their heads as they saw Chaeyoung in a wedding dress, her hand on her stomach as she stops the bleeding in her abdomen as it clenches her white dress. She pants, as if she ran a mile while the bleeding never stopped.

Jungkook ran directly to her, but she warned to step back.

"Stay the fuck away from me." She pointed her hand at him, Jungkook backing off but eventually approached her. Chaeyoung groaned in pain as people watch her bleed, without a care in the world they stood there.

In all of a sudden, Chaeyoung woke up with the clock reading at eleven pm, where half the people here are asleep. Wiping away her sweat Jungkook mumbled, seeing her fiancé awake.

"Something wrong?" He asked, lying flatly shirtless.

"Let's... let's get married." She said, calming herself.

"The wedding's next week, my girl eager to be my wife already?" He teased.

"It's just a dream but I.. I felt the pain. All of you were just looking at me while I was there bleeding."

"Till now you still have bad dreams. Bad dreams are bad for the baby, she could get sad." He leaned his head closer to her belly, telling her comforting words while caressing Chaeyoung's baby bump.

"He will get scared." She corrected. Jungkook wanted a girl, but Chaeyoung wanted a boy.

"I'm not so sure about that. I want you to have the best wedding. You deserve the best." He leaned in to kiss her forehead, and Chaeyoung was all calmed down.

"I know but... A wedding doesn't matter to me now. As long as you vow to me, that you will stay with me till the end, I'm more than satisfied."

"Then stand up, babe." Jungkook got off from the bed and offered his hand to Chaeyoung, grinning from the bed without knowing his intentions. He insisted on making her stand up. Giving up, he lead her near the window as the room was dark, only the moon was their light. Their silhouette perfectly defined Chaeyoung's shape with her three month baby, and Jungkook gazed her eyes, their hands intertwined.

"Will you, Park Chaeyoung, take me, a man without a will to live until you arrived, a messed up, demonic, immortal and cursed being to share my life with you? I basically ruined your life, and took away your youth so early. If you back out now–"

"Shut it. I do, Jeon. You did ruin it, but it was never a mistake. You were a blessing dressed up in gothic clothes and evil eyes. But you're the most wonderful thing to happen to me. And you, will you take me as your wife?"

"I definitely do, Mrs. Jeon." He grinned widely, as he leaned forward to press his lips to hers.

"Jeon Chaeyoung sounds so right." She replied happily.

"Jeon Chaeyoung sounds mine." He said. And as the night goes, he showered her with gentle kisses, still having the ability to carry her even with her baby without a problem. Jungkook lifted her up, without releasing their lips and continued as he place her at the edge of the bed. Breaking contact, he knows she wanted more with her eyes filled with love. He placed soft kisses on her chin, down to her neck, collarbone until he reached her belly, which made her tickle.

Never forget that he's actually shirtless.

Chaeyoung grabbed his nape and pulled him closer, interrupting him. Their face were as close as hearing each other's breath. Slowly, he pressed his lips and pushed her gently until he got her finally lying down.

"We should stop." He insisted.

"N-no. It isn't bad for him, I looked it up."

"Did you just say you searched wether it's safe or not?" Jungkook couldn't help but smiled at her face flushed with embarrassment, and also finding it cute.

"Then hold on tight, baby Chaeyoung. Daddy has business with mommy tonight." He whispered to her belly and smiled after.

It was a long night for the newly wed.


yes i searched it up and it's safe HAHAHAHAHA

sorry for the boring update tho 😓

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