CH. 31

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THIRTHY ONE: we lost

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THIRTHY ONE: we lost

there will be changes of persepctive. first is narrator, jk, jennie, and back to narrator.

Jungkook carried her to the mansion's clinic and there she laid Chaeyoung who was shouting in pain. Luckily enough they have Jennie who's familiar with delivering babies.

"Hold my hand Chaeyoung, it's gonna be alright." Jungkook gave her his hand but she was squeezing it too hard. He didn't mind. His wife is in pain and this doesn't hurt at all. It was horror for him seeing Chaeyoung crying her life out while in pain. This is probably what her nightmares are most of the time.

"Lisa the morphine." Jennie injected Chaeyoung pain reliever so she could deliver without having to risk her life.

. . .

Minutes felt like hours as I see my wife slowly taking out our child. Everyone is doing their best in helping her. She's as strong as I know, but every scream she makes, my heart crushes a little knowing that this could be her death my curse was talking about.

But as soon as I heard a cry, the world was lifted on my chest. A baby covered in blood, crying. Jisoo wrapped him up in a towel and handed him to me.

"He's so... beautiful. Hello Soojin." I said, on the verge of crying while I rock him in my arms.

But to my surprise, it isn't over yet. Jennie is still commanding Chaeyoung to push harder because another one is still inside her. This made me much more... happy knowing that I have twins.

With Chaeyoung's final cry, another baby was taken out. Lisa wrapped the baby and handed it to Chaeyoung, whose energy was drained from all of this but I felt proud. Proud that my wife is this strong to deliver two life inside her.

"This is Chaemin." Jennie happily announced.

My heart instantly melted when I saw Chaeyoung, finally done with her hardship, is carrying her baby. Our baby.

"Shh, it's alright baby. You're so gorgeous, you and your brother. I love you both so much." She said, out of breath as she held little Chaemin gently.

As I rock Soojin in my arms, his cry slowly calmed down until I finally got the hang of it. I approached Chaeyoung beside her bed and kissed her forehead, reminding her how strong she is.

But something inside me snapped, and it's not a good thing. Soojin who was slowly calming down suddenly cried even more as he felt the snap inside of me. I handed him to Jisoo telling her to wash Soojin and Chaeyoung did the same. I'm sure she definitely noticed.

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