CH. 20

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you might wanna take a detour to prologue if you can still remember joy.

you might wanna take a detour to prologue if you can still remember joy

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TWENTY: it must be

"Jongin stop doing this."

"Do it my way, or we'll kill her. The easy way."

"You have no sincerity at all." Jungkook glared with anger to the man in red.

"Me? That's rich coming from you. When you didn't have any mercy when she's begging to let her live. Did you have sincerity back then?! She's fucking merciless! You killed my sister and took Irene from us. It's not fair if your family's still whole, right?" bursting into anger as he recalls the memory I was forever left in guilt.

The poor girl that I killed.

That's when rumors started, where the Crimson Prince kills women. Every bad rumor and story started since she appeared in the show. It was a mistake I needed to live with for the rest of my life. But I never made a mistake in taking in Irene. She made her own choice into becoming one of us.

"It was a damn mistake! I was drunk, I didn't knew what I was doing." I remember it was a week after Roseanne's death thinking I would get over it but I was wrong. That night I drank so much I forgot how what's right.

Jongin clenched his fist holding back his anger. He has the rights to be angry, I know that. Even if someone in my family was killed by him I would do the same. But I have priorities. I have Chaeyoung. I need to deal with this damn curse, then Jongin suddenly appeared becoming one of my problems.

These damn vampires are just full of trouble.




I return home, but Jongin's words kept on circling in my mind. She would never do such thing.

"I brought Chanyeol with me. He's probably meeting her right now. And did you know? While you were flirting with Tzuyu in Japan she's slow dancing with him. She even comforted Chanyeol, such a nice girl, right? They'd be so perfect together. Unlike your jealousy temper she wouldn't last that long with you."

She'd never do something like that.

"Chaeyoung!" I called, but she didn't answer.

"Chaeyoung" walking upstairs to see in her room or any of these room if she's there. But not one single trace of her slippers are here. She didn't even told me she's going outside. Is she? no. she's not with him.

Damn it.

"Chaeyoung where are you?" I called so I loud but I didn't mind the neighbors. Searching everywhere in the house still I couldn't find her.

She's probably with Chanyeol right now.

Suddenly the front door opened and she walked inside.

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