CH. 16

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SIXTEEN: roseanne

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SIXTEEN: roseanne

"I want you to remember how much I love you. I never regret anything we did, because we do things together. But someday you need to forget about your feelings for me and let her help you break that curse. Promise me that, Jeongguk."

"Roseanne what are you saying? It's not like you'll die or something."


"Jungkook? Are you alright?" she step foot inside where she could feel the bloodshot glare he's giving at every step he take. This time, she's not a girlfriend. She's a prey. But unable hold back her concern, Rose placed a hand on his shoulder. He stood up, her heart racing not knowing what he'll do.

As he placed both hands on her head, she drifted into another world.


"H-hi Roseanne! I'm... I'm Jeongguk. It's really nice to talk to you."

"Please, don't be nervous with me. We're gonna be partners for this report and we need to communicate much more." she smiled widely, the girl who was given a name because of her bright red hair, a unique yet so wonderful thing to happen for a human.

Jeongguk grabbed his things and walked beside Roseanne to her home.

"You're really good at english." he compliments, re-reading the poems and quotes she written.

They see me as flower, but...

"Why is this not finished?" he asked, staring at the writing with a but on the end.

"That one? I... I really don't know what to add." she smiled faintly, for the first time she didn't completed something.

"... But he see you as his everything." he blurted out of the blue, deep in his thoughts he said what came into his mind, making the both of them flustered.


As they both finish half of their reports, he took Roseanne for a walk to her home making sure she gets home safe. By the time they were half-way to where streets are usually empty, she could hear footsteps following them at a distance but Jeongguk seem to be distracted by busy telling his stories to her.

"Why don't you stay for the night with us?" she offered, knowing it's dangerous if he walks back alone. He seemed to be surprise by her offer.

"M-me? Why? I mean, I would love to but my mom wouldn't let me do such things. She's strict." Oh, was all she could say. But that didn't stop her from protecting him. She grabbed his hand and walked at a faster pace, still hearing the silent footsteps.

The secret as to why she could her them is that she's gifted. She can see the people who lived below and creatures who lurks in the shadows. She's the good in everything evil, that's why they always follow her. A rate of a kind like her is called a cheonsa (angel in english) the one who sees the evil and the good, the creature who creates balance in the world.

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