Chapter 1

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"You have a mission." An agent said before handing me a file. "Not, much to go on, but you need to go to this high school. Apparently there is a student that works for UCS. And you need to find them. We don't know who, but, we need an agent going undercover. Finding this one person, could mean finally winning and taking down UCS." He says. "There is another undercover agent, you can find them, for it will make the job a lot easier. They have been undercover for 2 years." He continues. 


"Here is your schedule. I hope you feel this school is safe and welcoming!" The principal says, handing me some papers.

 Great.. High school. I may be at high school age... But I graduated at the age of 10. But instead of an actual college, I followed my mom's footsteps in becoming an agent- or spy, I'm both. UCS stands for Undercover Criminal Spies. And it's in the name... 'Criminal' being the key word. I work in the PFI. Or Private Federal Investigators. The UCS recently threatened the government with an attack, that, statistically, could kill 3 million people. Which is why time is of the essence. I was taught in many different ways. To think outside the box. To think deeper. I was taught fighting skills. Practically military stuff. 

"First class.... Math..." I say under my breath. Other high schoolers walk past. And text, or talk. The crap high schoolers do these days are stupid. They should be focused on studies and getting a stable life... But no, they text people sitting right next to them and everything becomes a popularity contest. Then again... I never really had friends. All of them are either dead, or fake.


"Welcome!" The math teacher says. "Well class, we have a new student- I expect you all to be nice and welcoming." Some people mutter a 'hello' and some don't even look up. Too busy staring at their phones. "Uh, why don't you introduce yourself?" 

"Uh, I'm Ryan." I say. I don't need a fake I.D because... No one really cares. Besides, every time I'm undercover, I always put the people in prison, no one knows who I am, except for agents. Therefore, I'm never given a fake I.D, also because I'm not allowed to leave the agency, unless under a mission. 


"Hey, Ryan, right?" Some kid comes up to me after class, he has been staring at me for the past 10 minutes. 
"And you are?" I ask. Crossing my arms. 

"Brendon Urie, pleased to meet you." He puts his hand out. I shake it. 
"Ryan Ross. I'm new." I say. 

"Well, lunch is coming up, you wanna sit at my table? With my other friends?" He asks. I was raised to never trust anyone, unless they prove they can be trusted. But I don't trust people, hell, I don't even trust my own parents. 
"Uh, sure." I say before walking to Science. Well this is going to be interesting. 


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