Chapter 7

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I walked in to my 'home' and grabbed anything I'd need. I looked over at my gun. Staring at it for a minute. Sighing, I grab it and put it in a brown plastic bag, I put that on the bottom of everything. I glace at the clock, it's been 10 minutes. I zip up the bag and walk outside. Brendon stands in from of his car. He smiles and walks towards me. 

"Need any help?" He asks.

"It's one bag." I answer walking to his car. I hear him laugh. 

"What's even in the bag?" 

"Clothes, drugs, ya know, the usual." I throw the bag in the back seat. He takes a seat, so do I. 


"So this is my house." He smiles, opening the door. 

"Cool." I say. "Where can I put these?" He points up the stairs. 

"Let's go." He says. He walks up the stairs. I check for all exits- or potential exits. I examine what I see. 

He's room is painted black. He has a bookshelf, which has books (obviously) and other little things. His bed, which is bigger than I imagined. Carpeted floor. A door, I assume connects to a bathroom, a window. A closet, other things, organized on his desk, or on top of the shelf. And the door. He's surprisingly neat. 

"Yeah." He says. "You can just put it anywhere." I put my bag against the closed closet door. "There's the bathroom." He points to the closed door. "Uh, you wanna sleep on the floor, or bed?" 

"Floor." I say, just so he sleeps on the bed. I could honestly care less. 

"Oh, you sure?" He asks. I nod. He walks to another room and brings a pillow and two blankets. "One for the bottom, one to cover you." He says, placing them on the floor. 

"So... What do you want to do?" I ask. 

"I-" He's interrupted by a door bell. "I got it." He sighs. We both walk down the stairs. He opens it. 

"BRENDON, HOW DARE YOU DITCH ME, YOU SAID I COULD COME OVER." Dallon shouts. "I WAITED FOR AN HOUR." Brendon quickly walks out and shuts the door.

Wow... He lied to you.

Muffled shouting, until Brendon says something and Dallons stops. I press my ear against the door. 

"Seriously? Why did you just tell me?" 

"I thought you'd- I dunno, just please, just this weekend. I really really like him and I want to spend time with him." 

"I get it, go, have fun." Dallon says, not sarcastically, but sincerely. I step back just as Brendon opens the door. 

"That was a stupid prank, have fun at Grandma Weekes' place." Brendon calls before slamming the door shut. 

"It was just a prank?" I ask, knowing he's going to lie to me again. 

"Y-yeah." He says. 

"Okay... Anyway, what do you want to do?" 

"It's already 5, I can start making food so we can eat by 6?" 

"How about I make something for you." I say, already walking into his kitchen. 


"Trust me." I say. 


"This is really good." He says. 

"Lie." I say, I'm used to detecting lies, it's second nature. 

"Fine. But it is good. Tomorrow I cook for you, got that?" He smiles. 

"Yeah... You know, this was my first time cooking in a while." 

"Wow, see, you are amazing!" 

It's true, because of missions I either starve a little because I'm too hooked on work, or I granola. Sure it isn't healthy, but, missions save lives. 

"This feels like a first date." I point out. 

"Whaaaaat?" He drags the 'a' a bit too much. "Fine. It does, but it doesn't mean anything." He says. 

Too afraid to pop the question...

I hear a ringing, Brendon checks his phone and groans. 

"I'll be right back." He mutters. 

I decide to clean up. I hear snippets of his conversation. 

"No, I don't care what the fuck happened. No! I am not going to. Shut up-" 

After I finish cleaning, I press my ear against the door. 

"No, I'm not going to take over. Shut the fuck up, you know I'm not like that. MOM, STOP IT." Pause. "H-he what?" Brendon asks quieter. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" Another pause. "I'm coming... What? What do you mean I can't?" Another pause. Then I hear light sobs. I've heard enough. I open the door and rush to his side. I gather him in my arms. His light sobs turn into heavy breathing. He breaks down. Usually I leave the room, I can't deal with emotion. Part of being an agent... No emotions. 

"R-Ryan." He hiccups. "My- my dad h-he got sick and... He's in the hospital- they says he has about 2 months." I've never met Brendon's parents. "I- I haven't talk to either of them in so long, because they are always away, and now... My mom doesn't want me to go to the hospital, but I can't help but want to go..." 

"Where are they?" I ask. 

"Greenville Hospital." He chokes out. 

"Let's go." 


Yay! Slowly but surely! 

I've been in a foul mood. And I feel like death, but WHATEVER. 




Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now