Chapter 24

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"Brendon." I grab his arm and pull him aside. "I found out about your sister," I whisper. He looks up, suddenly very alert. "I had some people investigate. You were right, the boyfriend did kill her. After finding that out, he was sent to jail. She got justice Bren," I say. He smiles. "Thank you," he whispers. I pull him into a hug. 


"EVERYONE RUN," Remington screams. Hayley sprints towards a corner to hide. Frank throws another bomb. Awsten helps Mike up before dragging him over to help his bullet wound. I see Nicole speak through the radio. 

"Snipers, get ready, if you get the shot, take it." 

We got his location about twenty minutes ago and now we're already fighting against bombs and bullets. He's been hiding in a warehouse the entire time. And now, he's blowing the warehouse up. 

"FRANK! COME AND GET ME!" Mikey shouts he starts running around, hiding behind things. 

"I got the shot, but I'll only hit his-" 

"TAKE IT!" Nicole and I both shout. Emerson takes the shot and hits Frank's shoulder. 

"That's the best I got," Emerson says. But it's better than nothing. Frank screams from the pain and shoots blindly. Shockingly, he manages to hit Nicole. She staggers back and Awsten helps her. Otto comes over to help them. I take a shot, but the gas bomb is my in the way and I can't see very clearly. 

Someone takes a shot and his Frank in the leg. Frank screams in pain again but this times he throws a bomb, where Awsten, Otto, Mike, and Nicole are hiding. 

"NICOLE-" The bomb goes off. I run to them. Hayley comes up behind Frank and knocks a gun out of his hand. They start to fight. Awsten and Otto end up flying across the warehouse. Nicole slammed into a wall. Mike was at the center. I can't find him. "MIKE!" I scream. Nothing. Nicole screams. 

A gunshot goes off and Hayley is suddenly falling to the ground. Blood gushing from her abdomen. 

I run to Nicole since Otto and Awsten are already helping each other up. "Hey, Nicole, stay with me." 

"I- I can't feel my legs." She gasps. "I can't feel my legs." Tears form in her eyes. I want to help her, but I can't. I speak into a radio. "I need someone with medical knowledge." 

"Coming," Otto speaks back. I look over in surprise. 

"He- at one point he took some time off to learn about medics," Nicole tells me. I nod. 

"He's coming, hang in there." I grasp her hand. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." She nods slowly and squeezes my hand. "Otto's coming." Otto rushes over and starts to help Nicole in any way he can. I move away. "Don't worry boss, I'll guard them, go," Awsten says. 

"You son of a bitch." Someone growls. I look over at an angry Andy Biersack. He's standing right next to Hayley's body. He aims his gun and shoots. Frank runs over to dodge but catches a bullet to the same leg as before. Mikey picks Hayley up and carries her over to Otto. I nod to him and we both run to where Frank is. 

"I'm taking another-" A bomb goes off. I look over. Our snipers, both attacked. How did Frank know? I groan angrily and shot in Frank's direction. 

"EMERSON!" Remington screams. He runs over to where Jenna and Emerson were. 

I look over, in all directions. How are we unable to get Frank? It clicks. 

"EVERYONE, be aware, Frank isn't the only one here." It makes sense. He can't be firing and bombing that much, especially with his wounds. Just as I say, I get shot from the back. I drop my gun and try to catch my fall but I skin my arm in the process. I watch Andy and Mikey fighting Frank. I see Remington helping Jenna and Emerson. I see Otto trying to help Nicole and Awsten on high alert right next to them. Awsten looks over in my direction. 



I'm sad to announce, the story is over- NO IT'S NOT. I'M KIDDING. 

We're trying to finish in the next few weeks. Uh, sorry for the dying. 


Anyway, I hope you kinda enjoyed? At least? 



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