The End

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I open my mouth to scream but no words come out. A bomb goes off next to Mikey and Andy. I hear a scream that makes my ears ring. Mikey is blasted into a wall. No sign of Andy. Once the smoke clears I see Andy struggling again Frank, who's bleeding pretty bad. Mikey groans as his head hit the ground. Awsten runs over to him. I try to get up but the pain from the bullet wound makes my entire body burn, I struggle to stay conscious at this point. 

I grab on to the wall to help me up. Frank sees me and aims at me. Bam. A single bullet, through and through. I look over at Emerson, who had taken Remington's gun and fired. He then collapses to the ground, he would have hit his head had Remington not caught him. Andy ducks away and I lift my gun. I stagger over to Frank who's now on the ground.

"This," I kick him in the stomach, "is for killing Pete." I kick him again, anger fueling this violence. "For killing Spencer." I'm now kneeling over him. I grab him by the collar and punch him. "For killing Dallon." His lip is now split. I punch him harder. "For killing Gerard." Tears form in my eyes, blurring my vision. I punch him again. "For killing Sarah" His face is now caked in blood. I punch him in the throat. "For killing Mike." Blood spills from his mouth. I punch him again. "For killing Hayley." I drive my finger in the bullet wound him his shoulder. "This is for seriously hurting everyone." I pull my finger out and grab my gun. I cock my gun and press it against his forehead. I stare into his terrified eyes. "This is for putting Brendon in the hospital." I press down on the trigger. It releases a loud gunshot sound. And like that, he's gone. Blood spills from his dead body. I stand up and kick it. 

I turn and walk away. Ignoring the pain from my split knuckles, the ringing in my ears, and the blood that covers my skin.

 I walk away and I don't look back.

~~~ 5 days later ~~~

"Those who died will be forever missed. Let us mourn the deaths of Agent Naran and Agent William. They fought bravely and lost to the darkened soul of UCS's Frank Iero who lost his life in the hands of Agent Ross. Let us have a moment of silence to all who lost their lives due to this mission." Everyone bows their head to honor the lives we lost. 

Brendon comes up next to me and grabs my hand. He squeezes it reassuringly. 

Everyone then lifts their head. This isn't a funeral since the bodies are going to their hometowns.

"May Agent Nicole Row say a few words." Nicole smiles lightly and rolls up to the stand. She's been condemned to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. "I don't think I lost as much as others." She makes eye contact with me. "But I did lose two friends. Mike Naran, as you all know, is-" she gulps and catches her breath. "was my best friend. We grew up together. Trained together. We knew each other since... Forever." She smiles up at the sky. "Hayley Williams. She was a close friend as well. She's had my back for the last five years and-" She takes a shaky breath. "I'm going to miss them both." It's quite obvious that she's fighting tears. And then finally she breaks down. She buries her face her hands.

 It becomes dead silent. Andy walks over to her, kneels down, and hugs her. He then helps her back down.

"May Agent Michael Way say a few words." Mikey doesn't even try to smile. He walks up to the stand. "I lost my brother. His name is Gerard Way. He's one of the few people I could depend on. I lost my best friend, former Agent Wentz. Both to the same bastard- Both to the same UCS agent. I know that we all lost someone. The last few weeks. I was driven to avenge my brother and friends. I was driven purely by anger. I pushed people away and I-" I watch tears trickle down his cheeks. "I want all of you to try to talk to people you care about. Don't push people away. It makes everything worse." He looks over at Nicole. "And to those who are now gone... Goodbye." He steps down and walks over to Ray.

"May Agent Andrew Biersack say a few words." Andy lets go of Nicole and walks over. "I didn't know the people who are gone that well, except for former Agent Wentz, Agent Naran, and Agent Willams. I worked with former Agent Wentz on a mission once. He was extremely resourceful and knew much about everything. Agents Naran and Williams were a part of a taskforce Agent Row started. They were both amazing field agents and most definitely saved my life a handful of times. And when- The time I was captured- I was told that it was them that found my location. It just proves how intelligent they were. All of the people who lost their life- I know for a fact that every single one of them died honorably." He clears his throat and walks back to Nicole.

"Finally, may Agent George Ryan Ross the third say a few words." I let go of Brendon's hand and walk up to the stand. "I'm the one who brought a lot of this darkness. This was my mission, and I let people-" I take a deep breath. "I feel this is my fault, but I was reminded that this is his fault. UCS created this mess. And it's over. Former Agent Wentz, at first, I was unaware of his status. But he still helped me. More than you can imagine. Spencer Smith, Sarah Orzechowski, Dallon Weekes, and Gerard Way, they were all innocent, they were not agents, not part of this mission, and may not have even been aware of the situation. For that, I want to apologize to them, and the people close to them. Agents Naran and Williams lost their lives to UCS as well. If you saw them at the gunfight, you would say that what they did was entirely brave and smart. Everything, they did. I watched them as they made plans of attack when they executed the plan. Step by step, and when it didn't go as planned, they made decisions quick on their feet. I want to apologize to those who were wounded while the mission was active. Everyone who helped during this process made it possible for the world to be a little bit safer. And so, I say a final goodbye." I take a few deep breaths to avoid bursting into tears. I make my way back to Brendon, who immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Let the souls rest in peace." Everyone simultaneously chants. "Let the souls rest in peace." 

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