Chapter 19

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"You ready to see the gang again?" I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster.

"Ryan, I know how it's going to be. It's okay." He hugs me. 

"Okay then..." I pull away and grab his wrist. "Let's go then." 


"Mikey?" I ask when we get back. It's empty except for Mikey, sitting in the corner, curled up. He looks up and grimaces. 

"Welcome back, Brendon." He mutters. Brendon furrows his eyebrows and turns to me. 

"Mikey, what happened?" 

"Everyone left. I don't know... I stopped listening after a while. 

"Ryan?" The front door opens. I grab my gun and in one swift motion, I turn and aim the gun, finger on the trigger. "Shit! Calm down." Ashley puts her hands up. Dallon right behind her. I lower the gun and put it back in the holster. 

"Where's Patrick?" I ask. 

"He's at the cemetery," Dallon says. "Hi, Bren." They do a one-arm side hug. Ashley hugs Brendon. 

Brendon sits next to me on the couch and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and grab his hand. Tracing his knuckles with my thumb.

"So... How do you kill Frank?" Dallon frowns. Mikey looks up and stands up. 

"I think you all need to stop. This and my mission... And Ryan's. We really don't-"

"Shut the FUCK up," Dallon shouts. "I've lost TOO much to back down."

"Try me you motherfucker. That son of a bitch killed my BROTHER. I'm sorry, but a fucking brother is more important than a friend." 


"I lost them too, you idiot." 


"I cared about all of them." 

"You didn't give a shit about Sarah or Spencer." 

"Don't push me, kid." Mikey puts a finger on Dallon's chest. Threatening. 

"REALLY? I LOST MORE THAN YOU DID." Dallon punches Mikey. 

"Hah... Really? You wanna play that game?" Mikey presses two fingers to his lip, a red liquid on it. Mikey clenches his fist. He stands up and punches Dallon, too hard. Dallon slams to the ground. Dallon coughs and curls to protect his side.

"STOP IT." Brendon jumps up. He gets between the two. 

"Move out of the way." Mikey threatens. He smacks Brendon on the cheek. I get up and punch Mikey in the gut. I pull him close, gripping his shoulder, I whisper, "you are not going to hurt Brendon or anyone else here," I demand. Mikey backs down. 

"THAT'S IT. BACK DOWN YOU CHILD." Dallon screams. He tackles Mikey to the ground and beats on him. I grab him and throw him off Mikey. 

"EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALM DOWN," I shout. Brendon pulls me back.  

"RY- Ry, it's okay." He hugs me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. Mikey sobbing on the wood floor and Dallon hugging Ashley, sobbing. Dallon and Ashley walk upstairs. 

"Mikey," I whisper. Brendon gets a wet towel and cleans up the blood on Mikey. 

"I- I'm sorry." Mikey groans. "I don't know what happened." 

"You just lost control," I say. We help him get up and lay on the couch. 

"I want to be alone." He whispers. 

Suddenly the door creaks open. "No one shoot, it's me, Patrick." I watch as Patrick walks in and shuts the door behind him. 

"What the hell happened?" He asks. He sees Brendon and rushes over. "You're okay!" He squeezes Brendon. Brendon laughs. "I can't breathe!" He chokes. Patrick lets him go. "Mikey?" Patrick looks over at Mikey. He sits next to him and puts an arm over Mikey's shoulder. 

"I want him dead," Mikey grumbles. "I want to look Frank in the eye while I kill him." He gasps and stands up. "Josh." He says. "Josh knows... He works with Frank after all... We go after Josh..." Mikey says. 

"No..." I grab his sleeve and pull him down. I look over at Brendon who stares out the window. "Gimme a minute," I whisper. Patrick and Mikey get up and leave the room. I walk over to Brendon. I wrap my arms around his waist. He turns his head slightly. He turns his entire body and wraps his arms around my neck. He buries his head in my chest. "What's wrong?" I kiss his head. 

"I miss them..." He mutters. He looks at me with watery eyes. 

"I'm sorry..." I answer. Tears start to fall, staining his cheeks. 

"It's not your fault." He whispers. He places a soft kiss on my lips. It feels like forever since the night we went to the amusement park. It was the best night of my life. "Ryan?" He mutters. "When this all ends... Do you have to go?" He asks softly, choking on his words. 


"No, don't answer that." He squeezes me tighter. "I don't want you to go through." He whispers in my ear. 

"Do you remember the nightmare I had a while back?" He asks softly. 

"Yeah?" I lift my head up and look at him. 

"I lied... It wasn't about the whole group. It was only you. I saw- I saw you, you were hanging, almost like you committed s-suicide. But your throat was slit and you had bruises and cuts everywhere. And I was there for your last words. And you told me that i- it's my fault. And then the rope came down and you slammed onto the ground. T-The sound of y-your skull slamming into the ground... I- I don't want to lose you." Tears form in his eyes again. "Please, when you go up against Frank, promise me, you'll be careful." 

I can't.

"I promise..." 


Well... alrighty then...

We're not sure when the story will end, but probably in a few chapters??? 

Idk, but you'll see...



Impossible Love// Ryden       ***Completed***Where stories live. Discover now