Chapter 10

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"Where are your parents?" Brendon asks as we eat dinner.

"What? Why do you care?"

"Well, you're my friend so... Of course, I care." He says poking at his chicken.

"They are back at where I'm from, to pack and move everything. I only have some of the stuff at the moment." I say. "This is really good, are you like a cook or something?"

"That's like, my only talent in the world." He smiles. "I couldn't draw if my life depended on it."

"What if my life depended on it?" I ask, purposely leaning towards him over the table, just a little. He blushes like crazy.

"I'd try harder." He whispers, turning to cover his face. Stop, you have to leave him one day. Stop. I move my hand and lift his chin. I stare into his eyes. Beautiful. Stop. It. Dark brown, calming, noticeable. Stop. I let go, my hand back to my side of the table.

"Ryan... I need to tell you something..." He says. No...

"Uh, I'm kinda tired, can this wait?"

"It's 6." He looks at the clock. "How are you already tired? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I-"

"No, it's okay. I'll clean up." He looks dejected. We both get up and he picks up the plates. "See ya." He says. "Night." I turn and hear him turn on the kitchen sink.


"You see that new guy? Over there, in the wheelchair?" Dallon says, pointing at the guy. "He's in my class, people are already teasing him."

"The fuck? That soon?" Ashley looks at him with pity. "Should we go over to him?" But I'm already making my way over.

"Hello," I say, putting my hand out. He doesn't answer. "I'm Ryan." I kneel down so we are at eye level. "What's your name?" To my surprise, he still doesn't say anything, instead, he taps with his fingernail.

"- -.-- .-.. . .-."

"Tyler?" I ask. He looks up and nods. "Well Tyler, do you want to meet my other friends? They are over there." I point over at my table, everyone stares intently. He nods. I get up and wheel him over to them.

"Hi! What's your name?" Sarah asks softly.

"His name is Tyler," I say. "Tyler, this is Sarah, Ashley, Dallon, Spencer, Pete, Patrick, and Brendon."

He looks up and shows a small smile.

"Isn't your name Tyler Joseph?" Dallon asks. Tyler nods.

"S-sorry, I-I h-have a st-stutter, I th-thought y-you might ma-make fu-fun of m-me." He struggles to get out.

"It's okay, I understand Morse, if you don't want to talk, I'm fine with translating until these weirdos learn." I kneel down again and look in his eyes as I tell him.

"Th-thank you."

"Stuttering is cool, we wouldn't make fun of you for that." Pete chimes in.

"I used to stutter a lot." Ashley says, then I found these humans and it slowly stopped, ya know unless something happens and I freak." She throws me off, I never expected her to be someone how stutters. "Then again, I just used sign language. So I don't know Morse."

"Hey, I thought I recognized you." Someone says.

"Oh hey, Mikey," Dallon says without even looking up. Mikey looks around then makes eye contact with me.

"I'm Mikey Way, brother of Gerard Way."

"Where the hell were you for the last like 5 years?" Brendon asks.

"Boarding school. This school would have been the death of me, but now, I tolerate it. Also, I was hear for the last 2 years..."

"Seriously? I didn't know that, where you here during the summer too?"

"Yeah, I hung out with ya'll during the summer."

"I wasn't here over the summer ya idiot." Brendon whines. "I lost Mikey time! I didn't even see you anywhere, and you never said hi." He groans. 

Mikey Way sound familiar. Very familiar. Too familiar. He looks at me and frowns.

"You're Ryan, right?" He asks. I nod. "Can I talk to you in private?" He asks.

I look at Brendon, who shrugs. "Sure," I say.


"What's your real name?" He asks as soon as we go to a private area.

"Ryan Ross. Why?" I try to act confused. He sighs.

"Do you see Es?" He asks.

"Es? Is that- Oh shit." I realize what he's trying to tell me. I thought I had more time. Time is nearing. Shit.

"Do you?" He stares at me.

"07P5," I say, he freezes.

"06V1." He answers

"So you're the other PFI, huh?" I say. He nods.

"I was hoping otherwise. Anyone, you think is UCS?"

"Some, but now, I don't know." I shake my head.

"At least we know the other. I have to tell you, Pete is ex. PFI. He left after his mission caused his brother to die. But he says he will help."

"Good, I was half right."


Welp... There you go. Mikey and Ryan are cool people in this fanfic and irl...

And more Morse incorporated. GREAT!

We have most of the chapters re-written, so now it's edit and post. Might still be rocky, but we will have content maybe every other day? I dunno. Like... We said Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday once everything gets back on track, but who knows.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! I'm going to go bop to Time To Dance now!



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