Chapter 5

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"Do you guys do this often?" I ask Sarah, we stare at Dallon and Pete arguing about oranges and apples. 

"But apples are better!" 

"Oranges have more vitamin C! 

"But APPLES!" 

"Yeah, pretty much." Sarah replies, she pulls out her headphones. "These are very much necessary." She smiles. 

"When does Bren get back?" Spencer groans. "He usually fixes these things." And perfectly on time, the front door opens. 

"Honey! I'm home!" He says in a feminine voice. Dallon stops and lets out a small giggle. 

"GET OVER HERE HONEY!" Dallon says in a low voice. Brendon walks in. Then he throws an apple at Dallon. 

"Here's your goddamn apple." Then he throws an orange at Pete, Pete catches it. "The orange." Brendon says. "Any other fruits you all argued about?" He grins. 

"How much fruit ya got?" Ashley asks. 

"Uh... Apples, oranges, pineapple, mangos, grapes, cherries, bananas, cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, and a tomato." 

"A tomato? As in one?" Sarah looks into the bag. "The fuck are we gonna do with one tomato?" 

"I dunno, eat it?" Brendon says with sarcasm. "Or maybe we can throw it in the microwave and see what happens."

"Let's not." Patrick says. "Anyway, I gotta go." He grabs his bag. 

"Same." Spencer says. They walk out together. 

Suddenly Dallon grabs the tomato and runs up the stairs. "Ima throw it!" He announces. 

"No!" Brendon, Sarah, Ashley, and Pete shouts. I grab pencil. 

"Throw it, I dare you." I say. Dallon threatens to throw it, but accidentally drops it. 

"Darn it!" The tomato drops and I throw the pencil at it. It's falls to the ground. 

"Ew." Ashley groans. Brendon walks over to it. 

"The hell?" The pencil sticks out from the tomato. "How?" He asks wide-eyed. 

I shrug. "Who knows." Pete furrows his eyebrows. He's been doing that whenever I- 

Oh... No... Please be wrong. 

"Pete, can we talk about the.. Science homework?" I say. He looks at me for a second before shrugging. 


"Who are you?" I say. "Pete, or someone else?" 

"Ryan, I don't know what you mean. My name is Pete Wentz." He gives me a look. "But- Just because that's my name, doesn't mean something isn't going on." 

"Then tell me, Pete Wentz, what is going on?" He looks to his left. He looks back at me and sighs. 

"Will you go out with me?" 


Wellllll...................... THAT'S GREAT!!! PLOT TWIST. 

Go follow Lunar1046, the stories are amazing, simply amazing. Anyways... Thanks for reading! 



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